An Unusual Question -- Equipment Rental/Loans

I have an unusual question. Here's the deal.

My ARC Ref 5 will be shipped to the factory on Monday the 25th for the SE upgrade. I gather the Ref 5 will be tied up with ARC for at least two weeks. So, I'm minus a linestage which means I'm out of business for the duration.

The question is whether there's anyone out there who rents equipment for situations like mine. I would be looking to rent an ARC LS 27, a Ref 3 or a Ref 5. I live in the Philly area.

Thanks for the help.

Head to Best Buy for a unit that can be returned with no re stocking fees.

That is not cool, basically stealing. I know people take advantage of these policies but it is just plain wrong.

I bought a used integrated here on agon that I had been wanting to try out one time while my main unit was in the shop. Worked out great, had fun, and was able to sell it for what I had invested.
+1 on what Truemaineiac says, that's not cool. I also did what Truemaneiac did, and as I recall, that is how I first stumbled upon the VAC Avatar Super, which can play well above it's price range. I also wound up selling it later for no loss (outside of shipping costs).
Thanks Guys. All good suggestions. I'm sure the Best Buy suggestion was made with good intentions, but that idea is not my style. I'm hoping my dealer comes back to me. I sent the message a day or so ago. Maybe he'll come back to me tomorrow.
I'm on the list as well for the upgrade. My dealer said he will loan me a preamp until mine comes back. How long have you been on the list for the upgrade?