An Unusual Question -- Equipment Rental/Loans

I have an unusual question. Here's the deal.

My ARC Ref 5 will be shipped to the factory on Monday the 25th for the SE upgrade. I gather the Ref 5 will be tied up with ARC for at least two weeks. So, I'm minus a linestage which means I'm out of business for the duration.

The question is whether there's anyone out there who rents equipment for situations like mine. I would be looking to rent an ARC LS 27, a Ref 3 or a Ref 5. I live in the Philly area.

Thanks for the help.

Pbnaudio: I took a pass at 2 options. Option 1- I had to send the Ref 5 to an ARC dealer who in turn would send it to ARC. He said he would send me a pre as a loaner. Too much trouble dealing with common carriers and it would have extended the whole process because of the time lost dealing with the dealer. Option 2 - a local audio guy agreed to rent me a Classe pre for $100. That option is open, but I've been too busy to drive to his store, which is 45 mins away. Bottom line is that I just sent the Ref 5 to ARC and the factory took delivery yesterday. I'm hoping ARC can do the turn-a-round within a week. Meanwhile, my rig is "Out of Order" and my wife is happy and I am sad. :>(

Eearl: I signed up ONE YEAR ago. I was #4 on the list at that time. The reason for the delay was supplier problems. Kal explained that a key supplier's factory burned down and ARC was having difficulties getting critical parts -- just enough to meet current production demands, but not enough to do upgrades. My suggestion is to call Kal. The situation may be corrected and turn-a-round may be improved. I wish you luck.

Meanwhile, I'm waiting to get mt Ref 5 SE back. I've been assured by others that the improvement will be worth the bucks and wait. I'm dubious. I've come to believe that further improvements will cost disproportionate amount of bucks -- law of diminishing returns. As I mentioned before, future bucks will be spent on picking up new LPs and CDs, and maybe trying out a new carty. In the meantime, I will listen to music and stop listening to equipment.
You are right about the laws of diminishing returns. However, I'm sure that you will find the results staggering and worthwhile, after listening to nothing for a couple of weeks. ;)
I also agree with Jmcgrogan. Bifwynne, Since you are already very happy,
the upgrade is what I would choose to do as well.