I would go today if my wife could go with me and I knew what I knew now. Bottom line people and the relationships are the most important thing in the world. I would love to go back a revisit with those I have lost. The bad thing is I didn’t really grasp this until I was 49 years old. Even back in the day my wife and I went to Maui. Decided to take the road to Hana. I flew 45 mph all the way to Hana. Do you know what’s in Hana. Back then 20 years ago not much. We didn’t realize the Road to Hana is a journey, not a destination. What I am trying to say is stop trying to hall ass towards 65,75,and 85 years old.  You will have regrets. I know I do. Luckily I’m 51 years old. I would rather live happy with a $5 clock radio then die unhappy with a $100,000 dollar system. Bottom line, I do feel with technology and advancements in health it is never to late to rethink this way of thinking. Start by reaching out to friends and family. Especially the ones who have been slipping away. 

I think what happens, when songs become real popular like this they tend to cross lines and be played everywhere. The Beatles, Elvis, they were on Ed Sullivan, and the Monkees we can make fun if we want but they had their own show for crying out loud! So this music was everywhere, you could not possibly grow up without hearing it. Not to mention the vast majority of it was just plain really, really good music!
Yeah but look how much of that is popular even now 60 years later! There's a kid here at work, I say kid but he's 20-something, who I was surprised to find listening to Louis Armstrong! Quality songwriting never goes out of style.