Another “How to choose an arm” question

I currently have a Sota Saphire running an SAEC We317 arm (221mm spindle to pivot and 12 mm overhang).

That is running a Garrott Bros p77i, but I have been looking at some LOMC cartridges, as well as SoundSmith LO-MI, AT ART, etc.

How is one supposed to determine their current arm is good or not?

It sounds fine and I would think that the knife edge design is not prone to a lot of wear.
However it was recommend that I upgrade the arm… But how would I know “to what”, and how would I know if the upgrade is worthwhile?

I was looking at some DD tables to have a more expanded choice of arms that can be mounted, as the Sota is a bit restrictive in that regard. That is still on the cards as a possibility… however assuming that the Sota is a keeper, then how do I determine the arm’s adequacy, being “fit for purpose”?


@holmz Your curiosity that you are expressing is an exceptional trait and if nurtured in a way that steers you toward communication with and the possibility of meeting with supportive types of individuals, who are like minded and are happy to be confronted with your expression of intertest, I foresee a very good run of experiences to be encountered.

A lot will be learnt and ideas that are on board and thought of as being an important consideration and very relevant, can quickly be undone, the ears when receiving information that is attractive are great at putting a smile on ones face and cementing a person in a need to change direction. 

From my experiences the worse that can happen to a individual who is taut about there ideas, is for them to be insular and not sharing in a broader range of experiences. The types that only have their viewpoints as the relevant methods and are locked in a obsession are to be avoided.

Lots of projects come from a mancave and are created by a type of person who very rarely is able to enjoy the fruits of there work or are able to see the beauty of the world outside.

The building of a HiFi System or the Upgrading of an in use System does take an amount of effort along with querying and foot work, not one person knows it all and those who do have an inkling of an idea, have quite a few hours behind them acquiring their level of understanding. 

It is important for your wellbeing that you are not being forced to feel down trodden by these regular claims being made that your levels of understanding inadequate and your search is a wasteful.

Please note: there is only one unique measuring device available that can show when a piece of equipment is capable of making a individual feel they are experiencing a performance that is quite attractive and satisfying and worthy of being considered for further usage, and that unique measure is yourself and how you respond to the experience. If you are encountering experiences that enlighten you and make you smile, there is not another who can deny you this.

My HiFi journey has brought myself to date where my preferred Speakers are ESL's. These are the ones I find are best suited to the overall genre of music I have collected. I have tried to discover other Speakers to make myself feel better about a replay and have not yet discovered one. It looks like I am Wed to the ESL. 

But there is an anomaly where the ESL does not get me to where I want to be with a genre of music, even though I use the ESL there is a missing moment and I have to occasionally recreate what is missing.

To elaborate, I was introduced to Blues Music in my early teens first white man copy cat and then old school Chicago Type Blues, as I grew into a Older Teen I was able to travel and see live acts, of which a Blues orientated group would be y preferred over a rock or punk type band.

My memories of live Blues played through a PA Speaker is indelible and there is not a ESL able to raise an imagination to simulate the live experiences.

I have a 25ish year old set of Tannoy Cabinet Stand Mount Speakers that are kept for this reason, they occasionally get mounted on a few stools and are used in the main system.

The use of the Tannoy Speakers and the replay of Blues Music is just such an enjoyable encounter, the colouration from the cabinets and poor mounting are just so right for the imagining a Live Venue standing in close proximity to a PA Speaker Set Up.

Strangely the set up is as HiFi as any other set up, the equipment used upstream from the Speakers are unquestionably designed to perform to very the high standards, and I am sure if I was to dig out info on the Speakers, there will have been a time in their existence that they were rated to a high standard, Tannoy is capable of receiving these accolades.

The last time the speaker was in use was in late 2021 and they remained in place for use for more than six months, it was only a social event that was the cause of the other speakers to be hooked up.

When it comes to creating a System it is very important for a person to find the place where the equipment is use is proving to be the most satisfying and pleasurable to be attached to, this can only really be assessed if the equipment is able to create a presentation that is thoroughly enjoyed.

There is no guarantee finding this place will kerb a curiosity, but it will guarantee that a regularly witnessed obsessional desire to endlessly off load equipment and bring in alternatives is able to be avoided.

The knowing a system will produce a place, where one is contented in their knowing it will create a happy place during a replay, is a protection against the usual reaching out to take the red hot tip of a poker and be left feeling  burned again.



Yeah @pindac I probably made my last tome arm board in the ~85-88 timeframe.
I don’t know if I was advised to use aluminium, or just lucky, but it is likely a plate of 6061 or 7075.

My feeling is that it probably was an improvement over the MDF tonearm board.
But I am not overly sure.

I suspect that there were LOMC back then. However I was running an AQ606 or AQ404 cart.

There are a lot more cartridge options available now.

Dear @holmz  : No, it's not contrary what is happening is that you and me are at different step in the ladder way to enjoy MUSIC.

Your different threads/posts tells that with analog you are trying to go out of the " baby carry " when I'm already out of it years ago and now seated just enjoying MUSIC and posting in forums trying to help gentlemans that ask for. That's all. Nothing is contrary, you are in the fun learning ladder steps: good

Maybe you’re right, but I thought it was out of stroller/pram back in ~84 when I got the TT, arm and cart.
I did upgrade the preamp in ‘98, which had me go an old ARC phono stage, and recently a more advanced phono stage with more gain and loading options.

It’s ANZAC day in the antipodes, but I swung by the local aluminium place today.
The sign said closed, but the shed door was open. 😃
The fellow was working on his “hot rod”, and I got an off cut of 10mm thick alloy.

I can get that shaped to fit into the Sota, and the three screw holes that attach it to the table.
Then later I can mark out the 222mm spindle distance.

The F.S./Thrax info says use a 24-25mm diameter hole… so I’ll see if there is a 15/16 Forstner bit, or reamer.
I’ll  just go slow and bore the hole on a drill press allowing the bit to cool occasionally.

Maybe I need to start a thread on how to pick out a cartridge next 😋

@holmz The searching out a Base Plate for the new Tonearm, landed you in the Company of a individual working on their Hot Rod / Custom Vehicle.

I'm sure the observations and possibly the banter were a nice distraction from the HiFi Interest. If you ever need a High Quality Aesthetic Paint Coating applied to a item that is owned, I am sure the Hot Rod owner can direct you.

I had a very good experience with a Custom Paint Shop when I was to have a TT Chassis recoated, I got the full treatment of being shown all the processes and was shown numerous samples.

I was very impressed with a work being done whilst I was there and settled for this as a 5 Coating Finish with Lacquer Application as well.