Just ran across this last night. Never heard of them before but as a Minnesota company tweaked my curiosity. Audio Mirror Tubadour III non-oversampling tube DAC. Sounds interesting. If anyone runs across one and has a listen please post.
Yep on that break-in. Honestly, I can't wait to hear how much better it is over the stock version, which is just incredible. I love how analog, refined, and non fatiguing the tubadour iii is!
I just got it hooked up this afternoon. fed ex dropped the ball by two days. I can tell instantly there is some extra special magic going on in the midrange. I'll keep y'all posted as I accumulate some necessary hours. Just like musichead reported, the character of the dac is still there, although a little grainy at the moment 😊
Hey jmolsberg as you already know.. give it at least 3 days of non stop signal (I would even say 4 days)....Then your going to hear it shine!!..After the first 2 days i was ready to send it back and ask Vlad..."What the hell happened to my DAC"?......then the audio sky opened up(4days) and beautiful anolog Music came shining down...TRUTH!......
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