IMHO, it's always been about the software available. They just never stepped up to the plate to support the format in terms of releasing titles that most people can relate to. I have stayed on the sidelines for awhile now because there's just so few titles I would be interested in owning. I've been an audiophile for alot of years (I'm 47) and over those years, I haven't meet alot of people who are into high-end audio equipment. Of the ones I have met and know, none of us would be interested in Duran Duran, Yo-Yo Ma plays Ennio Morricone, The Legend of Zorro soundtrack or The Phantom of the Opera soundtrack. I wouldn't buy one release Treyhoss mentions. For goodness sake who are they marketing to? There is a very limited audience to start with and then they release titles that only an ever smaller audience would like, it's no wonder it's not going anywhere. The price of equipment has come down in an effort to appeal to a broader audience, but really, I don't know any 20-30 year olds who would run out and buy Yo-Yo Ma plays Ennio Morricone, The Legend of Zorro soundtrack or The Phantom of the Opera soundtrack. Just my two cents.