I was desperate for advice other than upgrade my amps, preamp and cabling (all of which I had already done) when I discovered a white-paper written by Gary Koh, the designer and top dog a genesis on speaker placement. It seems that Mr. Koh writes as well as he designs speaker systems. The link below will take you to "The Genesis Loudspeaker Setup Procedure". This paper discusses every facet of speaker placement and suggests actual musical pieces that he and his installers use to get their most expensive systems on song in just a day or two - much better than my year or more. It describes 10 steps to methodically establish the actual adjustments with musical selections tailored for each adjustment.
Although meant originally for the Genesis product line, this paper can be used to systematically adjust each parameter while listening to the recommended track to spotlight the changes you make. It helped me to finally get my system sounding better than I had ever imagined I would hear in my own home.