Anthem AVM50V vs: Statement D2v

I'm can't seem to find in my search, anyone who has actually compared the two. The specs are very close, in fact my aging ears could probably not hear the difference, the50v weighs slightly more than the D2v although it's slightly smaller in the depth. I'm wondering if the differences are just in the quality of the components used? I think they use the same DACs, but I'm wondering what else there might be for the price difference.
Thanks for your any responses.
When I bougt my D2v I was told that the Statement was a higher quality product in components and build. I was also told that ARC was a higher level of flexability and adjustment. I downloaded noth manuals and compared, but it has been a about 10 months so I forget the diferences. You may want to do that and see what is gained by going with the Statement over the Anthem. You may want to call Anthem and ask they have been very helpful when ever I call.(905) 362-0958
I think you'll get a better answer there than from a dealer.
Theo, Thanks for the response. On further exploration of Anthems site I came across a page where they listed the AVM50, AVM50v and the D2v specifications side by side. The only differences in what was listed is that the D2v has 24/192 upsampling on all channels with any input, Premium ADC and DACs and Premium parts in the analog audio sections. Other than that, they were all the same. The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is that according to their specs, the AVM50v weighs about 3 lbs. more than the D2v even though it's slightly smaller in size. Go figure!
I saw that too. I can't figure other than someone weighed them on different scales.