am I having a different understanding of what is off-set?
It may explain perhaps some crossed wire...
"Off-set" in my vocab is the angle that a head-shell / cart /cantilever is mounted out of the true / straight line with the tone-arm-wand i.e. 0 deg = no off-set.
As to the various measured forces caused by friction between various materials I have no issue with at all.
In fact, and often, the faster the speed the LESS the friction force e.g. when an object starting to plain on water, rather then being dragged through it is some extreme case in point.
If a tiny tip of a stylus is 'dragged' over smooth vinyl, I can see that no measurable difference in friction force would be the case.
However, no friction force *NO* skate force!
It is this friction that wants to pull the stylus tip with it. Since it can't, due to the arm pivot holding it back, it will do the next best thing and pull the arm in line with the center of rotation. This would also be the shortes distance from pivot to center of rotation, right?
Like a pendulum being pulled (eventually) to the shortest distance from pivot to the center of gravity.
No gravity force, the pendulum will remain where ever is happens to be.
am I having a different understanding of what is off-set?
It may explain perhaps some crossed wire...
"Off-set" in my vocab is the angle that a head-shell / cart /cantilever is mounted out of the true / straight line with the tone-arm-wand i.e. 0 deg = no off-set.
As to the various measured forces caused by friction between various materials I have no issue with at all.
In fact, and often, the faster the speed the LESS the friction force e.g. when an object starting to plain on water, rather then being dragged through it is some extreme case in point.
If a tiny tip of a stylus is 'dragged' over smooth vinyl, I can see that no measurable difference in friction force would be the case.
However, no friction force *NO* skate force!
It is this friction that wants to pull the stylus tip with it. Since it can't, due to the arm pivot holding it back, it will do the next best thing and pull the arm in line with the center of rotation. This would also be the shortes distance from pivot to center of rotation, right?
Like a pendulum being pulled (eventually) to the shortest distance from pivot to the center of gravity.
No gravity force, the pendulum will remain where ever is happens to be.