Any body hear the new improved Merlins at CES?

Heard that Bobby P. has upgraded the Milleniums with new crossover, some other parts, not exactly sure of all the details. Anybody familiar with the sound of the 'older' Milleniums hear the new ones at CES? THanks!
I apologize for the digression. However, I am curious which of the Audio Note DACs Bobby used at CES. Anyone know? Thanks.
Brooks-- the DAC they used was an Audio Note/Ken Stevens DAC 3 Signature. It’s waaaaay beyond Audio Note’s stock converters from any series. They are rare, they are expensive and they are like nothing else on earth. Put it this way-- I wish I had one.
Kevin, thanks for the details. Wow, if that is expensive compared to Audio Note's upper end stuff, then you just redefined the word for me. That must be in the "If you have to ask..." category. It would be quite a treat to hear one. It is a bit of delicious irony that Peter Q's rarified pieces are being "modded." I am interested to know if he participated ken's project, if he listened to the result at the CES, and finally what his comments were. This could turn out be the yet to be released DAC 6 in a joint venture form.
Hi Guys,
The modded DAC 3 sounded very very good, relaxed and extremely convincing. I am looking for one myself, or at least Kenny is looking for me.
I was extremely pleased with the sound at the show. The CAT electronics has a live sound that caught me off guard a number of times. More so that at any other show, dynamic interplay made the system sound like performers were in the room. Totally strain free at live SPLs with that life like POP around everything.
Hey Bobby,
What about Srajan Ebaen's comments on Six regarding extreme/rude volume levels from a Merlin room. Was that your room or somebody elses's?