Any cables that give more bass

I'm just starting to build my 2 ch system with component KEF reference 203 powered by DK design mkii integrated with single run transparent musicwave cables and marantz dv7600 as source connect with monster room is 10x11 with catedral ceiling,I'm listening focal and some new pop music when playing some of those is bass kind of lack nothing punchy enough to feel it!!!I try located the speaker closed is other to give more bass, but still I need more?any suggestion for it folks?is that biwire cables can give more bass?or tubes for my amp?interconnect for better low end?I'm in budget for it so is that better for me to buy a good cd player or tweak it?will spend max for $1k
I can't believe all you folks suggesting power cords and such......the OP needs a sub and probably some room modification or EQ.

Let's get out of the "audio god" cloud....and lets help him really solve his problem.

Then he can throw any amount you want him to spend on cables, equipment stands, independent A/D converters and so on.
I am not suggesting anything at all, just sharing personal experience. Room acoustics is crucial, everyone understands that. Sub or no sub, that's a different story. Been there, and sub integration is a real chalenge that only very few systems can pull off.
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