Any experience of Valvet Audio E2se amplifier?

Has anyone auditioned that amplifier? It is a SE, 12w solid state design.
I read some very good reviews, but I trust more the opinions of the independent audiophiles in the forum, before I buy it.
Thank you 
Hey Joe do you think Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe is better than say the c-j ET7 S2? I do like the cj remote volume control.
There’s no doubt that Lamm makes awesome gear, especially their amps. I’ve honestly not heard them in a long time. I think Lamm might be a little darker and sweeter so depending on the amp chosen could be stellar. 
For some reason, I’ve always gravitated towards Conrad Johnson and currently own and love my GAT2. 
I just received an F7 yesterday. 

It doesn’t have a lot of time on it yet. So far it sounds great. It probably has more in common sound-wise with the E2se than many other amps I’ve heard.

I think vocals/midrange are a little more spotlighted with the F7. I need a little more time to digest what I’m hearing. The F7 might have a little bigger soundstage and possibly a little more detail in the treble.

Interesting - keep us posted ! 

I figured they were quite similar but was under the impression that the e2se overall would be a tad ahead when it came to being detailed and powerful, yet sweet.