Any experience with the new EMM CDSA SE ?

I'm eager to here from anyone who has listened to the new EMM CDSA SE and how it compares to whatever else you listen to.
Is there a sonic advantage to using the low gain setting assuming it is sufficiently loud? Better S/N, etc.
Hello Pubul57,

I'm not aware of the technical differences but I do get better sound with my EMM Dac-2 gain setting set to the lower position.

I do too, but I wasn't sure if that had to do with the position of my attenuator being further advance to the 12-2 position, or if the lower gain setting had inherently lower S/N, as would be the case with a preamplifier (I think).
Unless I'm much mistaken the option is there for system matching. If you've an active Pre with plenty of gain it'll probably sound better via the low gain. If on the other hand you've the likes of a passive Pre the extra gain may help to drive power amps which are usually designed to be run with more gain on the input signal.