Any favorites for cosmetics/design/how a product looks?

This is simply a wonderment of what other "items, things" you like the looks of beyond audio products? In audio I have always liked the C.J ART pre-amp and my tastes in autos/arcitecture are somewhat biased to Art Deco, etc.  Just curious as to what other "things" attract you from a cosmetic viewpoint.  Old Packards, the Crysler Building, early Gruen watches and more....

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Wow the posting police are out tonight.

@jusam I like post modern architecture, furniture and Scandinavian furniture designs.

I also like Italian motorcycles like the old Laverdas and Moto Guzzi Daytona.  

Art wise I love Escher and Dali.

Good thread to revive no matter what @riley804 thinks. BTW riley he did not start that thread looks like you arrested the wrong guy. 


For the Audiophile with a taste for good design(looks)....a question.

What are your favorite audio components and speakers based on the way they look (looked).  Yes, I know that sound is what counts and that is my major influence, but I do enjoy well designed/good looking products.   I no longer do, but did have a collection of art deco radios, both table models and consoles.....and that was all about design rather than their audiophile qualities.  Thanks 




real nice .


so other members can make their comments that are rude and nothing is said....but i simply pointed out that this OP has posted a similar post but under a different moniker name and i get cussed at ?              real mature Krelldog



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@riley804 how do you know it is the same person? Maybe the post is plagiarized, no?

at-least I did not cuss you out officer.