Any opinions on Leagacy stuff?

Just received a Legacy Audio catalog in the mail. I've heard of them before, but never had a chance to audition them. Just wondered who has, and what you thought. Having 6 to 10 drivers in one speaker sounds interesting to say the least.
Upgraded from a pair of infinity Kappa 8's to the Legacy Focus and am very pleased. Fantastic in the low end and the midrange is excellent. Build quality is first rate. If you don't like the larger size speakers or are hurting for room, then the focus are not for you. If room or size is not an issue, you owe it to yourself to have a listen to the Legacy Focus. The smaller models are excellent also, but my wife and I really wanted the bass extention that the Focus provide. Excellent speakers!!!
relja - Just wondering in what way they dissapointed you. I feel the same way. I look through the catalog and think, "somebody has hit a home run with these designs". Of course I'm looking for a rock speaker, one that gives me the feel of a live concert. I would think that all those drivers will move massive amounts of air, but like you say, " looks can be deceiving". I live near Salt Lake City, and to hear these I've got to travel. I want to make sure it's worth my trip. Thanks
As they say Flip, one man's meat is another man's poison. There are probably many who find them the best loudspeaker they have ever come across. I found the Legacy's to look fantastic on paper(and in person). The amount of drivers is quite impressive. However, the music produced by them seems to have no soul. No drive. Nothing. Like I said, not bad, like mass - fi stuff. But, not great either. They will produce volume, and probably measure perfectly fine. Maybe that's it. Speakers designed to measure great in an anechoic chamber are often lambasted as sounding lifeless in a real room. Who knows? Perhaps, some would say that I am the problem. That the speakers are actually neutral, etc. But, I have heard SO MANY speakers with both heart and soul, that to my ears, it has to be the speakers. As the British like to talk of the ability to get one's toes a tapping; these are not the speakers for this type of behavior. They do not seem big, in terms of sound. As Tmartinjr states, despite all that cone area, the speakers seem weak in the bass(to many people). I think the rest of the audio band is as equally uninspiring. They seem to me to be the audio equivalent of white paint. Believe me, no one wanted to love those speakers more than me. That is why the whole thing was so utterly devastating. But I can honestly say that there is NO way I could ever live with Legacy speakers. I would go mad trying to change every other part of my system, frantically trying to inject a pulse into the music. I compare them so much to Carver products, because they left me with the same emotions. When you read their ads, you may convince yourself that once in the presence of this equipment, you will finally hear music for the first time. That everything will be infused with a glorious glow, that no other equipment has ever presented to you before. And then when you actually listen, the music is completely antiseptic. I expect to be crucified by some because of my opinions. But, to say anything other than what I have in this thread would be disengenuous. So, let the lynch mob loose...
I must agree with Trelja. I live very near springfield and made the 30 min trip to audition some of the moderate size speakers. After making several trips to legacy, I was not willing to dish out the money nessessary to take a pair home. They are probably one of the most georgeous speaker lines made, but cosmetics alone won't cut it. The smaller monitor type of speakers sounded very good, but that was not what I was shopping for. I ended up with Apogee Duettas.
Trelja, Just wondering as to the comment of "weak in the bass". The bass on my focus are incredible. My wife's lamps start rattling when we have source material with bass. Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon is good for some house rattling. Not only can you feel the bass but things start moving, literally. Especially the lower frequencies that the ears can't hear, you know it's moving the air because the lamps are rattling like crazy (even though the frequency is below audibility). Just wondering? Singed, In Love With My Focus.