Any pluses or minuses to the older McIntosh mc275 compared to the newer mc275's IV, V, VI?

I've got Klipsch La Scala speakers & want to get a McIntosh mc275 amp. There are a couple of mc275 IV's on craigslist right now. Are there any advantages/disadvantages to the older ones over the newer ones? Yes, new is new, but then I'm thinking maybe they just don't build 'em like they used to? And I might upgrade to Klipschicorn's in the future... Thank You!    Bill
Thank You effischer! Adjustable gain wouldn't matter to me. And XLR connections wouldn't be on an old Mc preamp I so don't need that either. I found a mc240 in mint condition. Is it's 40 watts enough to provide greater control & more depth to my music? Or would the mc275 be better? Tube rolling? Hmm, never heard of that before! This sounds like another expensive hobby for me!  Lol... Move speakers around? Didn't realize that would make a difference with La Scala's. But I'll try it...   Thanks again!   Bill
I maybe wrong, correct me if I am, but think McIntosh had them made for the old 275 by the famous Tango Output Transformers, where the newer one are in house?

Cheers George
MC240 would be another good choice for La Scalas.  At 105 dB @ 1 w / 1 m, most <100 watt tube amps work well with them.  I'd suggest you avoid SS amps though; they can often sound harsh with such an efficient speaker.

Very loosely speaking, more power = more definition and depth even when you use only a fraction of it.  You should research some of the threads here on the subject.  There are a number of good ones, and many posters are far more knowledgeable about the whys and wherefores than I am.

Do remember that the single most important thing you can do is satisfy yourself at a budget you're comfortable with.  Then you're free to concentrate on the music.  Which is really what it's all about, isn't it?
"Isn't the 275 a bit of overkill?  I've had Cornwalls and Hereseys and 7 watts will blow the windows out.  One plus of Mac amps is the softer "tubey" sound since horns can get fatiguing..."

You can get away with a small amp, but you probably won't be getting the best out of them. The amp still has to control the woofer. That's where the extra power comes in handy. Its really a judgment call. You need to find the combo that works for you.
Thank You effischer & sfall! Ah ha! So that's why a higher watt amp is beneficial! Even though La Scala's can run with only 1-2 watts the higher watts help the woofers! Yes! It is about enjoying the music! The only Klipsch speakers I've ever heard (except for surround sound at best buy) were Klipschicorns 25 years ago. Never forgot them! I went to a house to purchase something on craigslist & Klipschicorns were playing. No way I can remember what I bought from the guy but I do remember his Klipsch's! Oh, I take that back. The first day I got my La Scala's I hooked up the amp & cd player that I've had in storage for 20+ years. I found out what La Scala's sound like hooked up to poor equipment!  LOL... I then Googled my cd player on ebay & there was one for sale for $15! (and the model was discontinued years ago)...   Thanks again!   Bill