anybody buying into magnetic levitation "eliminates the effects of any vibration" ?

it is a cool idea but the claim is preposterous, if the bottom magnet moves that forces the top magnet to move.  If the bottom magnet vibrates, the top magnet follows suit. As an extreme example lift a corner of the base and the top moves right along with it. It may  dampen the motion and act like a spring, but they are still coupled together,

They say it is not attached in any way to the bottom, but it is because you also have the vibration from the base plate through the posts to the top plate. Without the posts the top would just slide off to the side so they have to be mechanically coupled

To read the hype you would believe it is like a magic carpet that just floats in the air, but it is definitely coupled to the base. I'm not saying it might not be the best sounding base in the world, I'm just saying what they are claiming is  impossible, and if someone is making claims that are absolutely not true it makes you leery.
geoffkait "The reason airborne vibration is not very important for turntables is because the resonant frequencies of the tonearm and cartridge are very low, by design, circa 10 Hz, much lower than the lowest frequency generated by most speakers."

Much has been researched and implemented towards controlling resonances of the tonearm and cartridge, but, depending on it's construction, the actual table itself will vibrate and resonant well into the audible range.  Those resonances will transfer to the tonearm as well.
Much has been researched and implemented towards controlling resonances of the tonearm and cartridge, but, depending on it’s construction, the actual table itself will vibrate and resonant well into the audible range. Those resonances will transfer to the tonearm as well.

>>>>>There seems to be some confusion - the tonearm and cartridge resonance Fr is not in the audible range. It’s below the aublible range. What did I just say? Hint: the tonearm and cartridge resonant only at their Fr. That’s why it’s called resonant frequency.

larryi Of
 course it doesn’t provide complete isolation, the question is whether it does a reasonably good job of isolating whatever is on top from vibration originating from whatever the platform is sitting on at its price point. It is not going to do the job that a platform built for an electron microscope sits on, and even that wouldn’t qualify as "perfect."

>>>>>Bad example. Electron microscope stands by and large by virtue of their rather mediocre resonant frequency are actually quite ineffective for frequencies up to around 20 Hz. By then the damage has already been done since most of the energy of very low frequency seismic vibration is below 5 Hz. And for frequencies below the electron microscope stand’s Fr the effectiveness is zero. Follow? The most heroic isolation system ever developed and built was the LIGO iso system. The Fr for the LIGO iso system is well below 1 Hz, most likely around 0.1 Hz IIRC. Vibraplane and Minus K are both examples of electron microscope stands that were converted to audiophile products.
we already know that no iso technique is perfect. Give the guy a break.

Ummm.... don’t tell me what to do? Besides, he claims that it is perfect!
This allows you to mount the bottom RELAXA platform on any surface and that surface will have zero effect on the top RELAXA floating platform. Zero resistance equals zero vibration.

I’m not surprised at all that you’re okay with false claims!