Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?

     I was just about to respond to zardozmike's forum post titled 'subwoofers' about suggestions for subs for Magnepan MGIII speakers but decided a new post might be more useful for him and others.  I have Magnepan 2.7QR speakers and posted a similar question about a year ago.  After reading his thread, I realized he was getting about the same responses I had received.  All were very good responses but I thought a new thread detailing my effective solution may be more relevant and attract responses from other users of a distributed array sub system.    

     About a year ago I purchased the Audio Kinesis DEBRA (Distributed-Eq Bass Reflex Array) sub system from James Romeyn Music and Audio in Utah. Here's a link describing the system:


       This system is expensive at $2,990 but well worth the investment.  I rationalized the price by noting it's about the same as a pair of very good regular subs.

     The performance of this system in my 23' x 14' living room is excellent.  The bass can be fast, tight and tuneful for music or loud and impactful for music and home theater.  The subs seem to disappear since there are no audible clues to their locations; the bass is very well integrated into the music and movies. From my personal experience, I'm not convinced of the reality of stereo bass but was willing to give it a try.    I was originally thinking of buying 2 high quality subs such as Rhythmik, SVS, JL, Martin/Logan, Vandersteen or REL.  I was skeptical of the DEBRA system at first but, after reading a lot of research about multiple sub systems on the internet, I decided to give it a try and I'm now very thankful that I did. 

     Because it is such an ideal system for me, and because I think it would work well in almost any room or system, I want to go into more detail about the system, its setup and the theory behind it. I have no affiliation with the company but will admit, after considerable phone and email time with the dealer, that I now consider James Romeyn a friend of mine but don't know if he feels likewise.

     The system consists of the following:

A dedicated Dayton Audio mono class A/B amp rated at 950 watts @ 4 ohms with dual A&B spkr output terminals.

4 67lb. bass-reflex  subs that measure a relatively small 23.75" H x 14.5" W x 10.375" D.

Each sub is ported on the bottom, supported by 3 spiked cones and contains a single 10" 4 ohm driver. The subs are designed to be facing, and within 2" of, the room walls.

     The setup procedure is:

Sub#1 is hooked up and placed on its back  (driver facing the ceiling) at the normal listening position.  Music is played that has good and repetitive bass.

Walk around the edges of the room and determine exactly where the bass sounds best to you.

Attach the 3 spiked footers to Sub#1 and position it upright facing the nearest wall to the spot you determined the bass sounded best.

Sub#2 is hooked up and placed on its back at the primary listening position. With sub 1 & 2 playing, continue walking around the edges of your room and determine again where the bass sounds best to you.

Attach the 3 spiked footers to Sub#2 and position it upright facing the nearest wall to the spot you determined the bass sounded best.

Repeat this procedure for sub 3 & 4.

Small positioning adjustments may need to be made for each sub due to avoiding furniture and the WAF. 

Once completed, final sub hook up is done in parallel:

Attach a single wire from the amp's speaker A's pos. output terminal and to Sub#1's pos. input terminal.

Attach a single wire from the amp's speaker A's neg. output terminal and to Sub#2's neg. input terminal.

Attach a single wire from Sub#1's neg. input terminal to Sub#2's pos. input terminal.

Attach Sub 3 & 4 using this parallel method on the amp's speaker B's output terminals.

I ordered single, high quality and low gauge speaker wire along with the sub system for a very reasonable price. Once the ideal locations for the subs was determined, I drilled holes in my room's floor to the crawl space below, and was able to hide the connecting wires. 

     I'm definitely not an expert on subs or room acoustics but, from my reading, here is how I understand the theory behind the distributed array sub systems:

The lower the frequency the longer the sound wave produced, or launched,  into a room. 

Since these waves can be even longer than the actual dimensions in many rooms, these low frequency waves bounce off room surfaces and the music may dictate subsequent bass waves being launched into this acoustic environment. These initial waves, their reflections and subsequent bass waves inevitably collide and cause 'standing waves'.

Areas in the room where sound waves meet can make the bass sound under emphasized, over emphasized or even totally missing (nulls caused by wave cancelation).

When one sub is launching low frequency waves from 1 specific location, areas in a specific room where bass response is not accurate will be numerous and predictable based on sub location and room dimensions.

Adding a 2nd sub to the room will decrease standing waves and increase bass accuracy and bass dispersion.

According to scientific studies I read, standing waves are reduced, and bass accuracy and dispersion increased, as more subs are used in a given room.  Their experiments utilized more subs than anyone would even consider for home use. They basically concluded that the more subs in a room, the fewer standing waves are perceived and the better the bass quality and bass dispersion results.

However, they determined that most of the benefits are gained with the use of 4 subs, with only minimal and incremental gains in performance attained through additional subs.  Due to practical room considerations, the researchers recommended 4 subs for an effective distributed array bass system.

     So that's the equipment, set-up and the theory behind the DEBRA system and I can personally attest to its effectiveness in my room.  I have 6 listening/viewing positions in my combination music and ht system in my living room.  Bass response is equally good at all 6 positions without the use of acoustic devices (no absorbing or diffusing panels or bass traps) and without any electronic  equalization (room analysis/correction equipment, software or eq).  I should mention I've never had my system/room analyzed using a mike and software.  From my purely subjective perspective, however, I'm confident the results would be good since I spent hours on the setup and critical listening from all six listening positions in my room.  I would suggest this type of sub system as a viable alternative for anyone considering investing in one or more quality subs.  The system is rated clean at 113 decibels at 20 hz.  I've often heard and felt it go much lower.  It feels and sounds clean and right but I can't verify the decibels or lack of distortion.

Sorry this turned out so long and windy,


Also, my system photos are old but I'll try to update them showing my current system (with the subs and new electronics) soon.




   That's a unique setup.  I was initially planning on buying 2 very good quality subs like your RELs  and place them in the front corners behind my panel speakers.  I was also thinking of experimenting by putting 1 in a front corner and 1 in a rear corner before deciding to go with the 4 subs.

     Good to know it's working out for you.  Have you noticed any issues with your 2--ch music sound stage that musicman mentions in his post?


     Very interesting.  I can verify that this array works very well for ht.  Watching a movie, it doesn't seem like they're even on but the impact ,when a scene calls for significant bass, is startling.and makes the video content more life-like and tactile.  This effect definitely adds to viewers' enjoyment and involvement in the movie.  I wouldn't describe it as overblown but more natural and real.  I usually set the sub system crossover to 40hz.

     Maybe I should do some more critical listening to the sound stage on music, but I usually  perceive the sound as coming from in front of me even though I intellectually understand bass is emanating from 4 small boxes near the corners of the room.  That is the exact reason I like this bass system so much; I only perceive the bass being augmented as part of the large video content on ht or as part of the sound stage seemingly emanating from the proper instruments.  I can honestly state that I never perceive sound coming from any of the individual subs, even though the rear subs are located only a few feet away ( the left/rear sub is located about 8' from my left ear and the right/rear is about 4' from my right ear.)    Stereo subs may work for some but, from my own subjective experience, I know I can't discern left and right bass. There is only one exception I can think of: ht explosions and some other effects I tend to perceive as more enveloping and coming from all directions.
    Otherwise, it seems almost magical to me how such well articulated bass can be produced in my room that is so well integrated into both the on-screen image for video  and the sound stage illusion for music.
  I can only disagree with Sean Olive's white paper conclusions, with only subjective but no scientific evidence of my own,  and invite him over for a listen.  

I don't have time to offer a link but remember reading Harmon/Revel white paper by Sean Olive which researched performance of using multiple subs. At the end Sean described improvements and the associated # of subs and placements in the room. He also discussed the sound quality and kind of improvement. If I remember correctly one comment Sean made was with 4 subs the the overall room response was more even through out all listening positions, not just sweet spot. The drawback was that when listening to 2 channel  stereo imaging was effected. The bass was even and was coming from all around but not from a front soundstage. So It seemed that for theater 4 sub is great for effects but for 2 channel listening where stereo imaging is valued 2 subs worked out better. 

Have you noticed anything like this with your setup?
In my main rig I have the speakers/listening position setup on an angle with a REL Stadium lll cabinet/driver in the front corner and a REL Strata lll cabinet/driver in the opposite rear corner. The Stadium lll amp/controller has been removed from the Stadium lll cabinet and mounted on the equipment rack and wired with MIT speaker cabling from amp/controller to both subs. The Strata lll amp/controller has been removed from the Strata lll cabinet and put in storage. 

This arrangement really smoothed out the low end response along with an utter seamless integration with the main speakers with the added bonus of removing the physical vibrations from the Stadium lll driver impinging on the Stadium lll amp/controller.
ZI forgot to answer your question on whether I'm local to James; I'm in Indiana.

Hi Marty,

     James still sells musical instruments as well as audio gear out of his home, I believe.  His company is called James Romeyn Audio & Music, LLC and his website is

       The 4 sub distributed array has far exceeded my expectations and works perfectly in my room.  But I understand your concern if 4 larger subs are used.  All 4 of my smaller subs are not very noticeable (front 2 mostly concealed by my front 6' x2' panel speakers, the rear left behind a large leather chair and the rear right between the side wall and a large end table.  I'll try to update tmy system photos soon.

     Sounds like finding 4 smaller powerful subs @ 4ohms along with a good amp that can handle 4 ohm loads may be able to work for you.  Not familiar with your system but I think this works well in any system.



I've always liked the idea and briefly screwed around with a four sub home-brew version.  It worked well, but just took up too much floor space.  Your set-up makes a ton of sense to me.  Enjoy.

BTW, I thought that James Romeyn used to carry guitars (Thorell) as well as HiFi gear.  Solvency was the main reason I had to avoid that web site.  I didn't see any on your link.  If the store is local for you, do you know if they simply moved on from the instrument business?