Great topic....
Like all collectibles, prices go up and down.
I enjoy the audio hobby and am always looking for the next buy/sell.
Recent... Threshold CAS1 (75wpc) bought $950/sold $500, Threshold FET9 bought $1,200/sold $850, Totam Hawk speaks bought $900/sold $600, Manley Chinook bought $1,315, Manley Stingray bought $1,900, Klipsch Cornwall III pair bought $2,200
I'd love to sell my Stingray and get mono Snappers or older Manley gear. I think $1,800 is a reasonable ask for my Stingray (it was sent into Manley and has new caps and new tubes) but I see other sellers asking up to $3,900. And on the other end, I would pay $2,600 for an old pair of 175's or $3,000 for Snappers, but the asking price is $6,000 to $7,500.
I think lots of sellers are trying to make money.
I, on the other hand, am looking for good deals, and am willing to give a good deal when I want a change.
gotta love the hunt, gotta love the listening.