Anybody heard Galibier or JC Verdier turntables?

I have finally narrowed my selection to these two turntables. HELP!!!!!!
Wondering if I could get some feedback on these turntables. Does anybody own these and or have any first hand experience. I am driving myself NUTS trying to decide between these two tables. The two tables are:

Galibier GAVIA or the JC Verdier LA PLATINE

SirSpeedy, I feel your pain. I've been 'table-less for nearly six months and as of last Wednesday my system is totally down.

I agree with you about bearing wear not being much of an issue on most any of the higher end tables. Including many we haven't mentioned here. As for bearing design I think it is one of those parts of 'table design that is dependant on many other things. For example, some designers use the bearing to sink vibrations away from the cartridge. I'm sure Walker and the JC designer have other methods for dealing with platter vibrations. IMHO, it is alot like the debate in another thread about what is the best drive design and as Thom pointed out to me about suspension vs non-suspension designs. It all comes down to how well the complete design is implemented.

Yes, Teres is also still using a replaceable thrust plate with delrin button.

I've observed the dimple you described on all three of the Teres bearings I've used and then inspected.

Question: what prevents the wear/erosion process that turns a convex button into a concave dimple from continuing indefinitely?
Hello and thanks to everyone !!!!!

Having read all the comments I can conclude the following.

1. Both are really good tables.
2. The battery along with VHS tape drive are the ticket.
3. The bearing in the VP (might) emphasize (might) be better, but to change the
Delrin in the Galibier would not be an issue. The use of Delrin in my race car for suspension components ( measured via micrometer ) has shown abusoltely minimal wear
and in some places no wear at all. This is typically after every race and I do
know that the forces acting on the supension are greater than that of the
pulley system acting on the side of the platter and it's spindle/shaft bearing.
4. Thom has been a great person to deal with and always 100% honest.
5. I will let everyone know which table I choosen by next week.

Again thanks to everyone for their time and feedback.
PS : What is happening May 13,14 in Colorado ?
Hey Doug,Dan is nice enough to admit to feeling my pain.How about you?-:)

It's Saturday night.Don't be such a "technical" stick in the mud!Have a nice cheap bottle of Beringers Chardonnay,or perhaps some Chateau St Jean Reisling.Well they're not "that" cheap,but they went well with my Tai dinner.At least my wife liked them.


Those who can are traveling to Boulder that weekend to hear Galibier, Schroeder, Dynavector, Teres and what ever else can be squeezed in. I'm in the market for a table as well, others want to hear tonearms. Chris, of Teres, is orgainizing an open house the night of the 13th and has told us he'll have a new direct drive offering as the top-o'-the-line Teres. All who can make it are welcome. Certainly a great opportunity to meet many great people. I believe there will be reps from a couple of speaker builders as well. Should be great fun!