Anybody heard Stereoknight magnetic preamp?

This seems very intersting but never heard of it. Anybody listened to it?
@ Maril555 if you're asking me I don't know. I do know when I emailed them/him he responded pretty quickly.
Simply superb TVC, I have the balanced silver edition, and it is heads and shoulders above anything else I have tried. I have used active as well as passive, including the Prometheus reference TVC, the Reference Line 1a with silver wiring, etc, and the Stereo Knight simply let more music through. No loss of dynamics whatsoever. If you don't need the gain of an active preamp, simply a very reasonably priced, superb way to go.
I own the silver wound Silverstone-SE and it flat outperforms every TVC I have ever owned. This passive preamp is amazing sounding as long you don't need any gain to drive your amp. There is a 6DB gain switch on the back but I prefer it off. It replaced a $5k tube preamp at 1/4 the price.

Not sure if the Silverstone could match an Audio Consulting Silver Rock TVC but at the price I paid ... it has to be an absolute best buy. Build and sound quality is top notch and I have had no issues over the past 6 months. This silver wound Silverstone TVC is for people who in the past didn't like TVC's or other passive preamps. Unlike other TVC's the Silverstone has no problem passing dynamic's and has excellent resolution.

Highly recommended.
I have the standard B&R Transformer based unit. It replaced PS Audio PCA-2 with external power supply. As is often the case with higher-fidelity product changes, You get a trade-off. In this case, more detail came through with the Stereo Knight unit, but the sound was more delicate. The stereo knight unit was definitely superior for string quartets, jazz combos, female vocals, that sort of thing. Imaging, depth and other detail-derived parameters also were improved. The active preamp was arguably better for rock and full orchestral types of music. Incidentally, the main guy behind Stereo Knight is great to work with, (I've got his name around here someplace but can't find it) but then so are the folks at PS Audio. When you start buying audio equipment at these price levels, you don't get sucky customer care (or at least I haven't yet). Ultimately, I don't regret the change I made, but I really wish I were wealthy enough to have a two different rigs on opposite walls of my listening room for different music types. (Or maybe just one half-million dollar system).