Anyone compared BAT Rex vs. Atmasphere MP-1?

Obviously, there is a big price difference between the two(not as big used). But, these two are likely to be in the top of the true balanced, fully differential, reference preamps available.

I'm mostly interested in the sonic differences anyone would have noticed switching between the two in their own system.
Just a couple of quick notes here, don't mean to overburden the forum.

One - regarding the extended tube life with 24/7 operation... while a common opinion, it is most definitely not universally agreed upon or shared. One could construct many different cases, but in my opinion, in ***general*** in normal home environment turning the equipment ON and OFF will produce longer tube life.

Furthermore, continuous operation will, without any doubts, shorten the life of most electronic components. Whether this is justifiable by potentially shorter readiness times - is up to the individual user to decide.

Regarding the 5AR4 tubes - their quality level is generally quite high, but we certainly went through a less than spectacular batch. As the manufacturer, we do our best trying to shield the customer from such problems, but that is not always possible in timely fashion. For instance, we stopped using the Sovtek 6V6 tubes entirely, at one point. But some problems only manifest themselves weeks or months down the road.

All tubes in BAT equipment operate with very significant deratings. The output 6C33 tubes operate the hardest, at about 60% of maximum stress, other tubes are typically used at far less than 50%.

Victor Khomenko
Raquel, yes, those old 'chrome dome' tubes are pretty impressive- I've seen them as original parts in equipment that is over 50 years old, still testing as strong as new tubes. We have seen them go over 50,000 hours in our stuff and I would not be surprised to find out that some of them could do over 100,000 hours in the right circuit. They sound nice too :)
Mr. Khomenko:

Thanks for the input on the issue of tube life and 24/7 operation. My experience is that, while most people are aware of a debate regarding 24/7 operation and solid-state gear, few people who own or sell tube gear are aware that some manufacturers advocate 24/7 operation of equipment using small-signal tubes in order to extend tube life (my posts on this issue tend to create surprise).

Assuming the conditions necessary for 24/7 use are present that I describe in the links referenced in my posts, the only thing I worry about operating 24/7 with either solid-state equipment or small-signal tube gear (aside from not being home to disconnect equipment when an electrical storm passes through) is what it's doing to the caps, which tend to be rated for only a few thousand hours, but caps will often far outlast their ratings and are relatively cheap and easy to replace, while thermal cycle damage to transistors from on/off operation, particularly where the transistors have gone out of production and the amp thereby becomes worthless, or thermal-cycle damage to irreplaceable, cherished NOS small-signal tubes, is not cheap. If I owned BAT gear (and I may one day, as my system is fully differential balanced from turntable to amps - that's why this thread, about BAT and Atma-Sphere gear, caught my eye), I would follow your instructions and turn my equipment on and off. With all due respect, however, your advice does run contrary to the evidence I have described in my posts referenced above and in numerous other posts I have made over the years here.
As usual, this thread deviated from the original question- comparison of BAT REX and Atma Sphere MP-1 (MK III?).
I'm another one who would be interested in this topic.
As many others here, I've had BAT REX in my system for a significant period of time, and so far, it's the best preamp I've ever heard (others include Supratek, Nagra, Doshi).
MP-1 I only heard under show conditions, so I have no opinion really. It's intriguing to me, since it's a full-function preamp.
So, maybe somebody could offer an opinion on it? At least not in direct compar. with REX?
Hi Raquel,

This is the question that does not have a simple answer. As one of my teachers used to say - when in doubt whether simple rules apply, consider the extreme cases. Would you keep your units on 24/7 if you only listened to them for two hours once a month? Probably not. We, therefore, can safely assume that for the multitude of applications and uses there also exist multitude of correct answers.

There are several kill mechanisms acting upon the tubes (and other components), and you correctly mentioned one of them - thermal cycling. However, there are others. Of them the cathode wear might be the most important. Needless to say, both the full operation, and the typical Standby, have the cathodes working, and therefore wearing out.

Furthermore, as is known from the reliability studies, temperature always accelerates the component failures. Its effect is exponential, and its degree varies depending upon the component's nature, but it is always there.

Also, while it is true that thermal shocks are, generally speaking, damaging, it is the rate of change that is the most critical aspect of that particular effect. There are special accelerated life tests that include high rates of temperature change, and they have been shown to be effective predictors of product reliability. However, the rate is the key element here.

By controlling the rate we can reduce the damaging effect of thermal cycling manifold - also exponentially. Therefore it is always important to understand how the product handles the changes of its state. In our particular case the tubes heat up very gradually, so the rate of temperature change is substantially reduced.

All this would of course be academic without hard experience, and that experience tells us that we do not see tubes die catastrophically after 10 or 15 years, as the rule. And damage due to thermal cycling tend to manifest itself as catastrophic failure.

What we normally see is slow deterioration of tubes, most likely due to the depletion of their cathodes. Meaning - long operating hours.

As there is no simple answer, every user has to develop his own way of operating the components - we just give him the tools. All I am trying to express here is the fact that no single universal truth exists in that regard.

