Anyone else feel left out?

'Gons talk a lot about equipment (new or used) that is way beyond the financial means of most people. Thousands of dollars for a Dac? Ten thousand for a pair of mono blocks?
The pros and cons of 15k a pair speakers? Cabling that costs as much as college tuition? How about a system where the cd player is no more than $500, pre and power amp no more than $500 each, speakers no more than $1k a pair and cabling no more than $10 a foot. Jazz and classical music will be enjoyed. This would be a system that would still be superior to most home systems, but would be within the reach of a wider range of music fans. What are your recommendations for a system of new equipment, used equipment or a mix of both?
Here are a few items that I think will have you laughing all the way to the bank.Speakers $850 Bob Brines FT-1600 MKII.Source $620 Toshiba 3960 with SC3.Amplifier with volume knob $500 Clari T Amp.This puts you at the $2000 mark.
I have an idea this will go well pass your average setup. I also doubt you will ever feel left out again!
Take the money you save and buy more cds.

Good Luck!
JW ...

You must not read the theads that closely, because just about every day someone is looking to put together a sub $1500 to $2000 system. I get a lot of enjoyment suggesting systems that I will place constraints on like ... you can only buy new. On more than a dozen occasions, I have recommended a NAD C320BEE integrated amp ($400 list); Music Hall CD 25 cd player ($540 list); NHT SB2 speakers ($400 list) with Signal Cable or Better Cables budget system. This would be a very satisfying system that you would be hard pressed to beat and one that you could easily get for less than the $1340 list (add $100 for the cables).

You also need to look around for closeouts ... because they are always out there. I picked up two sets of the speakers that I have used for 5 years now (they are that good) in my main and second systems ... Acoustic Research 302 (a Stereophile Class D in '95 which would make them a Class C today) ... for $250 a pair ($1200 list).

Today, Audio Advisor has some Roksan Caspian amplifiers for 1/2 price ... has the Wharfedale Diamond 8 series for 50% off list ... Upscale Audio always has Musical Fidelity equipment discounted. To belabor the point some more ... my main system is comprised of the Musical Fidelity CDPRE 24, the Musical Fidelity A300 Power Amp, and the AR 302 speakers ... $7400 worth of equipment, that I picked up NEW for $3050.

It's out there and people speak about it.

Regards, Rich
I would suggest that the most bang for your used dollar would be a Parasound CDP-1000 (less than 200), a Parasound PHP(??)for less than 250 as a preamp( I forget the model number..maybe PHP850?)..a used Creek integrated (upgradeable due to having pre-outs), and then some used Mission speakers...
I don't feel left out. I believe it's about the music. I have a very satisfying value system from Marantz and PSB and really don't want more. I bought a Marantz PM-17 integrated to use as a pre-amp, two used SM-17s bi-amped for 200 w/c, a demo Marantz Sa12S1 SACD player, Kimber Heros, Kimber 8PRs, and Psb Stratus Bronzes. I have a surround system with Marantz Sr-7000 and used Stratus Bronzes and Stratus Minis and a used Stratus C5i. PSB makes great value speakers. John Dean

A used McCormack DNA-0.5...about $550
A used McCormack TLC.......about $400
A pair of used Vandy 3As...about $1300 (2As <$900)
A used Sony DVP-9000ES.....about $500 (Theta Miles $900)

The music..........priceless

Good Luck,
