Anyone else notice rating scales are getting inflated?

As long-time A'gon member, I'm seeing more & more items being rated "8" or "9" that clearly are not either.  Sometimes the ad text will call out a blemish, or a bent speaker post, or a faceplate scratch and then I see a high condition score (!).  Sometimes you have to pay attention to the last few posted pics. Either way, to keep this marketplace whole, I ask anyone reading this to respect the buyers intelligence and not over-rate these items.  Thanks!
Yes jmsky! I notice all the time...and I call 'em out on it! I mention it in the "ask seller a question" so that everyone can see it, not privately. Some actually thank me and change it, but more often they ask me if I'm interested in buying it. Some ask me if I'm the Audiogon Police. I say yes, and offer to show them my badge. I've gotta get one of those... 
I think the A’gon staff should play a more active role in rating scale accuracy.  Should be part of our listing fees?
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