Anyone ever compare Deluend to Russian KBG

I've read KBG are pretty good, and someone...somewhere... posted on a forum "the best for crossovers", however Deluend weren't mentioned.

Has anyone tried Deluend and also tried Russian KBG?

What is your opinion?

At a latter date I may be able to share my opinion on Ampohm copper, Mundorf SIO and KBG in coupling duties. And Deluend cast in coupling in a different position vs SSG's and two other Teflons, copper and tin, and a few pio's...
I've read someone say the Duelund Cast is dead sounding, and lacks dynamics...???

I've read Teflon is better than duelund, tin or copper v-cap...???

I've read KBG beats out teflon rel-cap (never heard how it compared to v-cap)

Both Duelund and KBG are PIO, Copper (so they say about the KBG), both are very large for thier size, both have good bass for pio, are fast for pio, have great detail for a pio, and are smooth and natural with good timbre.

Maybe KBG is "all that" but a $5 "all that" doesn't compare to $500 "all that".

I've also read "Duelund is king" and KBG can benifit from SSG bypass.

Enough reading I suppose.
This is dependent on circuit(s) and application(s)

The Duelund Cast are great caps, but the size and price can be somewhat prohibitive.

FWIW: I installed a pair of V-Cap OIMP's in the output stage of my NOS Dac and a pair of Duelund Alexanders in my TRL Preamp to great sounding success.

Saying which is better is only throwing guesses until you experiment OR know someone with the same or similar gear.
Not sure where you read that, but the CAST has no area of weakness, but it is very expensive. I know from actual experience and good ears.
I read it either on audiogon (probably in the Mundorf SIO thread) or in Jimmy's comments section (where he was compareing Duelund). It was suggested that some people who aren't use to such a well damped or antiresonant cap might think these where a little flat as the response to someone who didn't like them, and called them "dead" sounding.