Anyone gone from a single REL sub to stereo subs?

I have a 17.5' X 14' X 8' room and was thinking very seriously of going from a single REL Stentor III [which I love] to a stereo pair for better imaging and pressurizing of my room. Has anyone done this and what was your opinion of the change? Improvements? Negatives? (other than cost)? Problems with placement or integration? Although I'd like to hear from REL owners who have done so, any information from other sub owners who went to stereo subs will also be greatly appreciated.
. . . to take the Stentor plunge again. I am very happy with a single Stentor III but, many moons ago, went from one to two subs (in a system MUCH different and long removed from my current one) and vaguely remember the same subtle but worthwhile improvement. It just took your commments to shake out the cobwebs from this fuzzy brain of mine! Having been of the mind set for the last few years that subs "muck-up" the sound of full range speakers, I hesitated to buy the REL. But, crossed over at 23hz and with the coarse and fine tuning adjustments, this Stentor III really adds that last little ooomph way down below and it does it with musical punch, detail and without imposing itself on the woofers in my main speakers! Yeah, a second REL it is!!
I have two Stentors Twos. I used one for a couple of years and then upgraded and added a second one. The difference is incredible. You will have better imaging, seperation, and a more open sound feild. The difference is actually more like a speaker cable upgrade then just adding bass. I was amazed at the benefits and two is more then twice as good as one. If you can swing the extra sub I highly recommend it.

Then there is the bass. OH LORD. There is nothing like it.
Thanks for the encouraging post Perfectimage. I ordered the Stentor III today and am very much looking forward to the improvement!
