Anyone have exp with Ascendo System M speakers?

Heard great things about these speakers. I unfortnately missed a great opp when they visited HK and did a demo with Zanden handling digital source/amplification. But those who went, swear by it. Anyone have direct exp? Any owners out there? How do they compare in terms character to the likes of MAXX2, Kharma Exquisite 1-D, B&W 800D, VR9s etc? Not talking about "best" (please!) but if you could provide some descriptions of your listening exp so that I could get a feel for these it would be most appreciated. Thanks.
Lisanedan, what version of the CAT JL-2 are you using to drive the Ascendo M speakers? There is a "Mark II" version and a "Signature Mark II" version, as well as the original "plain" JL-2. Thanks.
I am using CAT JL2 MKII and will probably upgrade to signature in the future, but only after I upgrade my SL1 to the Legend version. In relation to the amps, over the years I had tried various amps ranging from big Krells, to Audio Research to CJs etc. (I have owned ARC and CJ amps in the past...will never buy a CJ amp again in my life!). I could not be more impressed with CAT products and I think that Ascendo and CAT are a match made in heaven! I think CAT and Ascendo share a lot of qualities and I simply have no desire to even investigate other amps anymore. Music is just so involving that over X-mas holidays and weekends my wife and I have often listened to music till 4:00am!!! BTW, Ken Stevens( president and designer of CAT) has also recently purchased Ascendo System Z speakers for his house and factory listening rooms.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Happy listening!
Yes, I have but only at the show in London. I preferred it to the original and would probably prefer it to the Strads based on what I heard....due to better micro dynamics and soundstaging.
thanks Lisanedan, do you remember the ancillary equipment with Anniversarios?
Sorry, I don't remember the details! I do have a lot of experience with Sonus Fabers having lived with various models for 15years, last one being the Guarneri which I prefered to the original Amati!