Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?

I am very close to ordering a pair of the Harmonic Precision Carravelle speakers. I am looking in the below $5,000 range and these look interesting. There are only a couple of reveiws so I was wondering if anyone has heard them and been unimpressed? It is a lot of money but I may take a chance on it. Anyone think I can do better at my price point. I will be buying a new amp after I choose a speaker.
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Thanks to everyone for your input. Good chance I will be ordering a pair this week. I will only be left with about $1500 to $1900 for an amplifier(used). I can get a better amp in about a year. I have a Gryphon Tabu pre which is pretty good. I also have a Resolution Audio Opus 21 cdp on the way. Can anyone suggest a good amp in my price range?
Hey Pal, please give the Caravelle a good 400 hours of break in and then let us all know if we were full of...or if we all heard the same fantastic sound. You are going to love this speaker. Get them out from the walls so they can breath their magic and brace yourself for an engaging, mind boggling, musical experience.
For ss hard to beat a DNA 0.5 REv A+ which when seen used would be right in your range.

The tube amps I am familiar with are more expensive than that.
Pal, Hifimaniac's recommendation for Caravelle break-in is right on. However, they will sound spectacular (they will be 90%+ there) at 200 hours. The next 200 hrs are a delicate refining, if you will-- allowing subtle, lovely nuances to blossom. Like fine wine aging. Get on that Caravelle list. I hope you see a pair before fool'n ya. enjoy...

BTW, I was listening to hours of instrumental and vocal jazz in front of the fireplace today with my wife. What does that mean? Volume real low. I thought of your question, again, about playing at low volume. No problem. Lovely, delicate and detailed, up and down. I get all tingly, sometimes. Can't believe what I'm hearing....

Geez, in front of the fireplace! Are you crazy, brah. It's 82 degrees outside. Well, at least it is here on Maui !

You were the first that I remember singing the praises of the Caravelles (a bit too often I might add :), but it seems from the response of many others that you were right on the money.

Happy listening and have fun in front of the fireplace with your two tweeters. ;)