Anyone heard Rockport Technologies Mira Grand II

I'v heard the old Rockport Antares speakers and liked them.
These new Rockport Technologies Mira Grand II use the Skaaning carbon fiber mids and the Scanspeak Revelator tweeter with 2 10 inch paper woofers per speaker.
Anyone heard them?
Soundcomponents, now i definitely want to hear the Avior.
I just saw some pics of them.
I heard the Rockport Mira Grand II speakers at Audio Vision in SF, (which
are for sale here on Audiogon - see link below), a few years ago. They
sounded very good. They did not quite have the depth in the bass
region, that the Rockport Antares have, (a friend owns a pair of those),
but they definitely sounded like they were cut from the same cloth.
(Both were highly refined speakers.) If I could have afforded them, I
would have bought them. BTW, there is another pair for sale on
Audiogon, but they are used speakers, as opposed to Demo speakers,
but they are priced lower.

Rockport speakers do tend to need a bit of power to get them to come to
life. (A friend uses the 220 wpc hybrid Lamm M2.2 monoblocks with his
Antares, and they bring out the best in those speakers. However, the
tubed 150 wpc VAC Phi 300.1 stereo amp, worked wonders with them as
well. (The VAC provided better mid-range and treble response, but the
Lamms provided quicker and deeper bass response. Six of one, half a
dozen of the other!)

However, I agree with Darkj that they do need room to breathe, due to
the side firing woofers.

My two cents worth.

>Rockport Mira Grand 2 Speakers for sale