Anyone Heard the DeVore Silverbacks?

Hi folks. I'm really intrigued by this speaker. Some interesting design principles here--not just the same old narrow tower with side firing woofers. The recent review in 6 Moons is glowing but really lofty--"it makes great music" blah, blah, blah. Anyone heard this speaker? I'm considering a trip into the city for a demo but am wondering if it is worth the trip. Also, not sure if my electronics match up since speaker seems intended for use with low power SET's. I've got a largish room (14 X 26 X 9) and Audio Research gear (100.2 and SP16). Anyone out there with some real experience with these?
Prfont. Thanks for the thoughtful comments. I have set up a demo at Living Stereo and am looking forward to hearing the Silverbacks. I'd like to probe one of your comments a little more deeply--that there are a number of "great" speakers in that price range. Actually, I have found quite the opposite. I've been on a quest for over a year to find an attractive, floorstanding speaker that actually sounds good to no avail. What do you like out there in the sub $15 K range that I might not have heard? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I had the opportunity to hear them at In Living Stereo when I was visiting in NYC. They had just changed the placement over the weekend when I went in on a Friday. It was the same equipment set up that was mentioned by Prfont. Jonathan was great to deal with and as I waiting to pick something up a gentleman went by and went into the same room. I went back in with Jonathan to do some more listening. Turns out it was Dr. Jules Coleman. Had a great talk with them and the speakers were wonderful sounding. The only thing I had to get used to was the rumble when the subway went by.

I had posted a response and am not sure what happened to it. I had the fortune to hear quite a lot over the past few years and hear are a few standouts in my mind - these are mostly below your budget. Merlin MMX: have always loved the sound of these and am always eyeing them on Agon. Quad 988 really open my eyes to the legendary quad sound - they come with some caveats as to what type of material you listen to, but in my mind one of the most musical speakers out there. Avalon Arcus, and Dali M4s are 2 others that in some systems, may float your boat - I think all of these can be heard in the NYC area.

good luck

In the name of full disclosure, I am Jules Coleman and I have reviewed the Silverback at I purchased the review pair, and just happened to me perusing this site to see what others thought about the Silverback when I came upon this thread.

Unlike some other speakers, the Silverback are not likely to overwhelm you with a casual listen. Everything is in balance and quite relaxed and composed. But you will find that not only is this an attractive feature of them over time, but it means that you will hear what you put in front of them. There is nothing particularly showy about them. If anything, they are designed to showcase the music and the musical chain that precedes them.

I drive them with a quite powerful 8 watt monoblock amplifier; I have heard them run quite successfully in average sized rooms with 10 watts. I have reason to believe that John DeVore voices them with tube amplifiers. Among tube amplifiers, I would suggest highly resolving and well balanced tubes. I would stay away from overly rounded, ripe or fat sounding tubes. You'll be missing too much of what the speakers can provide.

Though the speakers are visually unprepossessing, they are quite handsome I think and are clear technical achievements. There is a lot of sophisticated design and engineering involved, but all of it in service of the music. At least that has been my experience.

There are lots of very good speakers -- dynamic and otherwise -- and listeners look for different things from their speakers.

The Silverback suit me like no other dynamic loudspeaker has -- in terms of ambition, design, execution and aesthetics. I would not hesitate to recommend them as worthy of serious consideration for anyone. And like any piece of equipment, I would encourage you to try to hear it in a situation surrounded by good ancillary components and showcased by dealers who appreciate the product and work to make it shine.
Pragmatism, thanks for the lengthy and informative post. I recently auditioned the Silverbacks at In Living Stereo and agree that they are nice speakers indeed. However, my timing was not very good as I went during the week of CES and the dealer had cobbled together cables for auditioning purposes. Also, despite it being a Sunday, the store had a lot of traffic and I never got to really settle in for a listen. I'm hoping to go back soon to audition more extensively. I'm curious, given the fact that the Silverbacks have been designed to work with low power tubes do you think my Audio Research 100.2/SP 16 will mate poorly with the Silverbacks? I'm really not prepared or interested in changing electronics so I may have to drop the Silvers from my list if this mismatch exists. I'd certainly appreciate your thoughts.