Anyone heard the Krell Evo 402?

Was wondering how this latest model compares to past iterations from Krell?
Also if anyone has compared it to the FPB 400CX?
My dealer suggested they have lost any of their harsh edge (UK importer). This may be to no negative feedback. I have not heard them though.
The new Evos are a ripoff. I believe they cost far less to make than the venerable KSA-250 did 15 years ago. Now that was an amplifier. I don't see how an enclosed design such as that with internal heatsinks can dissipate heat effectively. The high end is killing itself. They might be happy selling a couple dozen to rich arabs but in the long run they have lost repeat customers such as myself.
I have one! Gave up the 350 MCX's for solid state I've heard so far. After 100 hours it is entering a very tube like phase...smooth, no glare, great tonal color. All vestiges of solid state edge is gone...completely! No more upper mid forwardness or brightness. An amazing advance on solid state design! Nightdoggy...good boy, rollover and go to sleep.
Update! I have the 402, 202 and 505. Cast sucks. Balanced is Transparent cabling and power cords are revelational!! I have the sense of being in the presence of live artifacts getting in the way..just music coming through!!
Dave_b - good to hear you've come across to the Transparent cable fold! I'm still having trouble getting the Reference power cable to give me the correct balance with the 505 - although the bass & mid is fantastic, the treble is just too hard. Well, it's either that or it's so ruthlessly revealing that I'm finding the treble a problem on some recordings. What power cables are you using now? Do you still believe the 505 has a problem with network cables, as I'm debating splashing out on Nordost power cables! Ouch!!!