Anyone in Vegas listen to the Gilmore speakers???

If so, any impressions? Thanks in advance.
Cwlondon- I agree with everything you've said minus that last statement, have you ever seen Ron Jeremy? I rest my case :o)

Are you trying to say the speakers sounded dead as in Ron Jeremy being dead.

He may have died with a smile on his face. Although what he died from isn't pretty.
Steveallen- I think you are mistaken Ron Jeremy is alive and well- I think your reffering to John Holmes ;) Now back to the Gilmore's! heh heh
Tireguy, you're right. John Holmes is dead. He was buried face-down over a well.
i heard they buried john homes 6 feet, 10" down :-D

all this talk about the gilmores just proves that the marketing campaign (i.e. boobs) worked. ---lots of other speakers out there. (no, i haven't heard them. fwiw, what the boobs detract all of you from is the fact that these speakers are as get-out ugly as can be).
