Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
hi Musicxyz, that is quite a claim that the Def4s are the beating of $50k-$100k speakers-that puts them in Wilson Maxx/Focal Grand Utopia/Magico Q5 etc territory. I love my Def2s and am intrigued as to which speakers in this range play second fiddle.
Musicxyz, have you owned Merlin or Joseph Audio speakers? If so, how did they sound to you?
Please understand it is still just my opinion and there are a ton of variables that play into the scenario. I have owned both Merlin and Joseph and these are completely different than Zu because Zu does not use any crossover parts for 8 of the 10 octaves. My Wilson Grand slams and Magico were a complete different level than the Merlins or Joseph speakers but again the crossover in the more expensive speaker is an issue for me but perhaps other people can live with crossovers; I can’t. With 60’ of junk cooper in a coil and 5% tolerance levels on caps and resistors, how can any speaker designer claim their speaker is phase coherent at the listener’s ear? I believe the reason I prefer Zu is because they sound like the artist voice, phase coherent. There are some very good speakers on the market today but for me all the frequencies must arrive at my ear at the same time or the speaker becomes fatiguing. Again it is just one persons opinion. I could never go back to a speaker that has a crossover in the midrange area.
Musicxyz, us long-term Zu Def owners have always loved the authentic tone dense sound of the crossoverless FRDs in the design, but I am bowled over that you rate this improved design as superior to such uber speakers as the Wilson Grand Slam, esp. coming from your personal ownership. Looks like I really won't be able to resist the move upwards.
Upon getting bass integration sorted with the SpatialComputer Black Hole which the Def4s will improve upon further, can you comment upon specific improvements in treble extension/transparency going from the 2s to 4s, since this is the one area that could be reasonably criticised in the 2s.
You’re really comparing apples to oranges. It is tough to get to deep in detail because my system will be very different from your system but the Radian tweeter is much more transparent, detail and faster than the previous models. The Nano driver has about 30% more inner detail so ever cut is like listening to a new version of the old song. I have put on albums and had to check to make sure that it was the same album I thought I had put on. Wilson makes a great product but for me no matter what equipment I put on my Wilsons they still were lacking in emotion which tells me they are not phase coherent enough for me. The Mk4’s puts me in the recording studio with the artist but of course it takes great equipment and cables to complete the whole picture. All I can say is “if you are happy with your sound than stick with your equipment”. I am just giving my opinion it could be right or wrong for you.