Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
I just purchased a pair of the Def III's. I was informed that mine started life as Def II's that were traded in by someone for the Def IV. All I can add to Morganc's description of the Def III modifications is a rebuild of the tweeter (as per Zu's website). I also understand that this transformation is on a limited time only and will seize by the end of this summer.

By the way Morganc, I am driving these Def III's with that wonderful PX25 you sold me. Loving it!
I have demoed 2 different ST's on my Def2 speakers. One was a 6.5K ST that upgraded my Def2 to Def3.78. It was an all directional ST that I felt made a huge upgrade in sound to the speakers overall performance. The $$$ for the ST in the end was just to much to pay.
Hey, hope this thread isn't losing priority because Def 4 owners are bored with them? Hopefully it's because you're all glued to your seats listening to them!
So I'm due to have mine installed by early Sep after they've gone out for professional review.
Interestingly, I've got my tt sounding really sweet. While still in the belt drive fold I always felt sound thru the Def2s was lagging behind the example set my my digital. Now my direct rim drive tt/air bearing linear arm is overtaking digital again and the 2s are struggling to perform of their best.
All you happy Def4 owners out there, tell me more how I'm going to be bowled over in the next couple of months.
>>Now my direct rim drive tt/air bearing linear arm is overtaking digital again and the 2s are struggling to perform of their best.<<


I think you have to explain what you mean by this, for context.

Phil, before about 2007, I really felt analogue was far in advance of digital. At the time I was running my Michell Orbe/SME V/Transfiguration Temper Supreme tt front end, and Marantz SA1 cd/sacd, into ProAc spkrs. My tt was warm and tonal, the cd thin and sterile. But even at that time I was aware of euphonic colouration from my tt, that even though v. attractive, definitely meant my tt was not truthfully neutral.
Then in 2007 I replaced cd with EMM Labs CDSA SE, and spkrs with Zu Definitions Mk 2. Suddenly my preferences changed 180 degrees: I so preferred to listen to digital, which had a natural analogue warmth, and my tt became a source of frustration as artificial warmth became highlighted by the Zus-still v.enjoyable, but I knew a change was needed.
Then 3 months ago I installed the Trans Fi Audio direct rim drive Salvation tt with it's Terminator T3Pro air bearing linear tracking arm. OMG! Real precision and neutrality demonstrated by digital was now present in spades on the new tt, with all the tonal warmth and transparency which is a hallmark of great analogue.
I just feel that the tt performance envelope esp in treble transparency is challenging the Def2s and the 4s will be a perfect match.
Btw, i have a separate thread recounting my experiences with the new tt in the Analog Forum entitled 'Trans Fi Audio Salvation Direct Rim Drive Turntable'.