Anyone remember Cramolin Red?

The other day I was going through some boxes in my shed. I saw a little box, (Discwasher) and couldn't remember if there was anything in it, what condition it was in...
Turns out, was a bunch of misc. phonograph stuff, and 2 bottles of Cramolin, 1 Blue and 1 Red.
Thought I had some...wondered where it was.....
I was wondering if anyone here knew the story on the Red. When I was putting my original stereo system together (1979 -1983) It seems this was the stuff that was thought to be Best thing to use on exposed metal connections (bannana plugs, RCA jacks...). It seems now the cleaner/protector to choose is the Caig Deoxit.
I was away from the Audiophile hobby at the time of the transition, so I am not sure of the details.
Does anyone know the story on these products and any "back stories". I had heard that somehow Caig had either tried to, or did eliminate Cramolin by less than normal competitive business practises..
From a functional/technical side, are they the same, similar....?
Thanks for any information,
... i remember Panama Red.
That's funny. I have no recollection of Panama Red at all.
I still have some as well, got them in the 80s based on comments found in Audio Amateur.  I still use it for electromechanical connections like screws/lugs on large electrolytic capacitors.