Anyone remember speakers by Kindel Audio?

I owned 2 different pairs of Kindel speakers, the Phantom and the PLS-a, a friend still has the PLS-a's and they still sound fantastic. Am I the only one who was into these? Bill Kindel is a talented speaker designer. Seems like with the demand for speakers that are efficent the PLS-a at 94db would be great for SET guys. They were an 8ohm nominal load but do have a dip to 2ohms. This may drive some SET amp nuts. The PLS-a is big(130 lbs. each) and dynamic! The Phantom was a smaller speaker for a more intemate listening room. They had fabulas sound and were very transparent! I miss them sometimes.
I currently use a set of PLS-As, with a pair Phantoms for center, (not a perfect vocal match, but I've gotten them close) and a pair of 50s for surround. It's fun. We sold them in Anchorage at the end of the 80s. I have no idea what happened to Bill Kindel, but I hope his tribe prospers.
I bought a pair of Phantoms last year; just like the ones I had some years ago and sold to a friend. I was hoping to be able to have another pair and soon a pair appeared for sale locally and I snatched them up. I'm very happy listening to them after years of using more exotic speakers. This is a fine speaker system with good bass extension, although they will not play terrifically loud. They are all one could ask for in a smaller room or apartment. Where is Bil Kindel now, I wonder?
I recently took my pair of PLS-A speakers out of the back office, where they were being used as computer monitors (!). I had exiled them because they are so freakin' huge. But I was getting a bit weary of the cold but accurate sound of my Martin Logans, and rearranged the living room to accommodate the PLS-A behemoths. The moment I fired them up I was reminded why I loved this pair so much. The sound is smooth, accurate, with a beautiful sound stage and a spacious, warm sound. The speakers have a definite sound personality, which may not appeal to a lot of listeners, but which I find compliments the kind of music I listen to most: organ, choral, symphonic, chamber and opera. I'm not a tech guy, and understand none of the tech talk, but I think I will get better results from these if I bi-amp them. I'll need to use a 5.1 AV amp since they also function as the from speakers for my home theatre, so I'm looking at the Onkyo 805 7.1 which has a bi-amp option and plenty of power. Any thoughts or help would be appreciated. Finally, if you run across a pair of these beauties and have the space and floor trusses to make them work, they have been great friends to me and I would recommend them.
I owned Phantoms at one time. Wonderful sound. Ultimately I gave them up for speakers that were far more dynamic.
Hi!! I more than remember them.... as I'm only 19, I'm using them!!! I'm a nerdy audio engineer type that went ahead and used the balanced output of my interface, split it in half to feed the stereo amp pairs in two Adcom 2535's... (4 channel amp aka two stereo pairs)

I have it arranged so that side A does bridged amp work on the lows and side b does work on the highs, one big amp box per speaker!!! that way I figured I could get the greatest separation (left and right are on fully independent power supplies) and most efficiency out of my amp... a plus is that this set up has an almost infinite noise floor!!! 

it's techy nonsence but when paired up with my 20ms dsp-delayed home brewed dipoles I get mind altering imaging....

I hope to be rebuilding these speakers with those cool linkwitz riley active analogue crossovers, and giving them proper zobel filters but that wont be for another few years... for now theyre being used to catch me up with anime :)