Anyone suggest Tubes for Jolida hybrid amplifier?

I just purchased a Jolida 1701A, hybrid integrated amplifier. I want to replace the stock Chinese 12AX7 tubes but I have no knowledge about tubes. Can anyone suggest which tubes I should purchase that would add to the warmth and transparency of the Jolida amp?
Try reading the link below for some opinions. Joe's Tube Lore:

I personally like the GE 5751 Black Plate triple mica from the late 50's/early 60s. Bought a pair for $75 here on Audiogon from Jim Sautter. Jim is extremely knowledgeable and takes the time to work with you. is his email. He sells under absolutetubes on eBay and jsautter here on Audiogon. I highly recommend him.

Good luck and enjoy the music.

Thanks Brady, our boy Joe sure knows his tubes. After reading the link I'm definitely leaning towards the 5751's. Do you know how important it is to get a matched pair when purchasing tubes? Hell, what is a matched pair?
Thanks, Flaca
Matched pairs are important in some applications and not in others. I recommend that you get in touch with Jim Sautter. One of the finest people I have dealt with on Audiogon.