Anyone switich to all Signal Cable wired system?

Recently a friend of mine replaced all of his cables (power, interconnects, speaker, digital) from a combination of cables including at one time top of the line models from Synergistic, Audioquest, and VH Audio to an all Signal Cable system following Frank's advice. The results were astounding. His system improved in every way that I could report in audiophile jargon. I'm now contemplating doing the same. Anyone else experimented and found similar/or not results?
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Yeah, what Tvad said. I've had the speaker cables and the Magic power cord in the past. It's been a while, but for sure the power cord brought about a lack of refinement in the sonics. The speaker cables I don't remember well. But, there is a 30 day trial. As suggested, you can try replacing all the cables in your system and see if you like the end result. Burn them in. If you don't like what you hear, send them back with a lesson learned. And I must say, you have one helluva impressive system with a lot of dollars invested, and should be able to discern whether you like or don't like the Signal cables easily. Please post the results of your "All Signal Cables Project." Should be interesting.
Or contact Synergistic and trade up to their new Tesla line. Read the reviews, they are true.
One reason I'm interested in switching cables in my system is that I've recently reversed my speakers from one end of the room to the other. They now benefit from no interference from the HVAC system. The Salons loved having the higher cieling (almost a full 8 foot)instead of the truncated cieling above the HVAC. In fact the sound just went crazy. The Salons also apprecieated not having the front end componets and amplifiers between them. So now the speakers and amps (the amps are recessed in an alcove formed by bookshelves behind the speakers)are at one end of the room, the listening chairs in the center just behind the HVAC, and front end components are located to the right of the listening position away from the corners and the sound is really great! Sorry I've not updated my pictures.

As for my friends system mentioned above, it features the following: a Krell KSA-250 amp, Theta digital Gen 5 and David, a Gryphon preamp, and Legacy Focus 20/20 speakers. It is an older system, but it really sounds great and is very revealing.

The problem to overcome now is that I need one pair of 30 foot interconnects to run from the preamp to the low end pair of amps, a 9 foot pair to run from the preamp to the subs, a 21 foot pair from the subs to the high frequency pair of amps, and a 17 foot interconnect to connect the two subs.

The system is now patched together with a pair of 30 foot Musical Concepts interconnects from preamp to bass amps along with a 17 foot piece to connect the two subs. Then d to connect the subs, preamp, and high frequency amps I've pieced together my orginal Synergistic Res. Ref.
To wire my system I'd be spending another small fortune on SR Interconnects (about $4500. for the new Tesla 30 ft. pair equivalent to Res. Ref.) so I'd estimate around $10,000.)

This is why I'm so interested in finding high quality, inexpensive interconnects if such a thing exists. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm tired of thousands.

I've thought of just purchasing more Res ref pairs on Audiogon and just piecing the whole thing together knowing that each connection I make is going to affect the sound. What do you think?
I've been using the SignalCables in two of my systems for the past couple of years, so you could say they are time-proven (at least for me).

I'm not using many of their power cords though but I know I have at least one MagicPower cord in each system. You could go with all Silver Resolution or throw in a pair of their Analog Two interconnects somewhere in the chain to see if you like the resulting synergy. I do.

I generally like the Silver Resolution speaker cables, but have changed to Audio Metallurgy Gold Reference speaker cables in my main system. They sound very similar in balance to the SignalCable Silver Resolution, but are truly smooth as silk. These are definitely cost-effective cables as you have witnessed in your friend's system.