I'd suggest you give the cart a bit longer to break in, even though mine sounded great right out of the box, but even better after it broke in. I'm not familiar with the other cartridges you listed, but the Delos sounds very well balanced to me, which perhaps could be perceived as "bony" perhaps? I had sibilance issues with male vocals with my previous Soundsmith Aida so I can say with confidence the Delos does not exhibit sibilance issues, at least to my ear.
Btw, I'm also considering the Sensor Prelude so I'm a bit concerned now after reading your post. How long have you had it and what do you think of it? I don't mean to hijack the thread, but since it's now impossible to contact members directly, this seems to be the only way to ask for input.
I'd suggest you give the cart a bit longer to break in, even though mine sounded great right out of the box, but even better after it broke in. I'm not familiar with the other cartridges you listed, but the Delos sounds very well balanced to me, which perhaps could be perceived as "bony" perhaps? I had sibilance issues with male vocals with my previous Soundsmith Aida so I can say with confidence the Delos does not exhibit sibilance issues, at least to my ear.
Btw, I'm also considering the Sensor Prelude so I'm a bit concerned now after reading your post. How long have you had it and what do you think of it? I don't mean to hijack the thread, but since it's now impossible to contact members directly, this seems to be the only way to ask for input.