Anyone using Duelund VSF capacitor in Merlin VSM

Has anyone experience from using these capacitors in Merlin speakers.
I have a smaller room perfectly sized for my Merlin VSM-MX.
I just love them and wonder if they could be improved.
I use tube throughout system apart from Meridian CD player.

Many Thanks!
paul, the speakers sound very different with the master bam and rcs in place. i tried an experiment and i liked what i heard. increased mass and rigidity work well with the more robust sound of the master products. it was time because of them. the mxr and the master products were in development for a long time. there is no doubt in my mind that the mxe is better with them. you will be fine.
best, b
Thanks for the therapy:) But seriously, I do feel I am at a stage where I can stay with the MXe, love them, and not be looking for the next upgrade, especially one that would require selling the MXe. I look forward to hearing the Duelands.....

Thanks for sticking your oar in the water.

If you can, please check back into the thread after MBam and RC with 400or so hours after full break-in with your impressions. I'll look forward to them for sure!

Thanks again,

the mxr evolved because of the master products, their more robust sound and most importantly because of our cabinet material change. this cabinet material became available to us a number of months ago and is a new product in itself.
best regards, b

Hi Guys!
Finally, yesterday I exchanged the Hovland capacitor for tweeter and Caddock resistors in my Merlins VSMx. Replacement Mundorf Silver I/O and Duelund resistor.
Immediate listening sound was sort of imbalanced, treble was missing/low. After 14 hours it was improving but still imbalanced, rumours say it will take up to 400 hours.
I will report in a couple of weeks.

If interseted, there some photos in my "system" of the exchange.