Anyone Using Gradient Loudspeaker?

Moving to new house and I'm looking for a speaker that will work in a small to mid sized room near the rear wall. The Gradient line seems to fit the bill. I've only seen a few magazine reviews (all quite positive) and I'd like to get some comments from actual users.

Another speaker you may want to consider is the Morrison, either the model 23 or the 17. I have listened to the Gradients and the Morrisons (although not in the same room) and they both do very well near the wall. The Morrisons are also about the best imaging speaker I have heard and they are a somewhat easier to drive than the Gradients. Here are a couple of links to info:
Hi Onhwy61:
Congratulations on your adquisition of the Gradients; I,m also a happy owner of the revolution,s and I can tell you that the more i hear other speakers the less i wan,t to switch to any of them. I,m also considering a more powerful amp as my Bryston 3bst only gives 120 watts p/ch. Since you already own Rowland, have you considered the 201 monos?
Regards, Carlos.
I own the active Revolutions and have been extremely pleased with them, especially because they sound great in an otherwise dismal sounding room where many other speakers have failed. They are very coherent due to the cardoid mid/tweet with natural sounding, accurate, tuneful bass.The active version are very flexible too, because you can use a tube amp on top and SS on the bottom.