Anyone w/ opinions on Sound Lab A-2 Electrostats

I am seeking opinions about the qulaity of Sound LAb A-2 Electrostatic panle speakers. Your experiece and opinions would be much appreciated.


I have a pair of A-1s, but don't really know the A-2s. Why don'y you submit your question to the Sound Lab Owners Group:
Depends on which series of A2 you are referring to. I owned a pair of A2x speakers for a couple years. They were 20+ years old at the time. SoundLAB does not currently produce any new A2 speakers. The A2s that I owned had two seperate, but integrated panels. One panel for bass and midrange and one tweeter panel. They sounded best when using a conventional subwoofer to add dynamic range. The tweeter/midrange was excellent!