Anyone w/ opinions on Sound Lab A-2 Electrostats

I am seeking opinions about the qulaity of Sound LAb A-2 Electrostatic panle speakers. Your experiece and opinions would be much appreciated.


I have a pair of A-1s, but don't really know the A-2s. Why don'y you submit your question to the Sound Lab Owners Group:
Depends on which series of A2 you are referring to. I owned a pair of A2x speakers for a couple years. They were 20+ years old at the time. SoundLAB does not currently produce any new A2 speakers. The A2s that I owned had two seperate, but integrated panels. One panel for bass and midrange and one tweeter panel. They sounded best when using a conventional subwoofer to add dynamic range. The tweeter/midrange was excellent!
I own a pair of Soundlab A-2x speakers recently upgraded by Dr. Roger West at Soundlab. They are really superb speakers and few people have them or if they do they don't sell them. According to Dr. West these speakers which were $5k in 1985 would cost too much to make now at anywhere double this price. I have owned Magnepan MG3a since the 80s and love Maggies, but the A-2x which is similar in construction to a Maggie is far more revealing and images better as well. This is because it is a true 2 way design and the the midrange tweeter panels with are curved same as an A-1 no crossover point in between the midrange and ribbon like the maggies. The bass panel in the A-2x is larger than the maggies and can go deeper and is faster as well. The key is you must have the right amp on them to control the diaphram excursions properly on these speakers for them to work right. I just bought a Moscode 402au and this is a perfect amp for any Soundlab but especially the A-2x. I prefer them over my Maggies, but I still love maggies as well.