you will enjoy the HD picture, non HD if digital will be ok but flaws will be pretty noticable and if you get cable god forbid you will have to watch analog signals because they will make you pretty angry.
If you intend on watching alot of broadcast programing then go with Satelite as all there channels are digital.
DishNet has way more HD channels then DirectTV...go online and check out channel line-up, if you go with cable do make sure they have extensive digital channels. For a quick example my bottom 100 channels are not digital and even on my 30in HD they suck, on a screen your size I cant even imagine how bad they will look.
If you intend on watching alot of broadcast programing then go with Satelite as all there channels are digital.
DishNet has way more HD channels then DirectTV...go online and check out channel line-up, if you go with cable do make sure they have extensive digital channels. For a quick example my bottom 100 channels are not digital and even on my 30in HD they suck, on a screen your size I cant even imagine how bad they will look.