Anyone: Wilson X1Grand Slamm/ Lamm ML2's

Anyone heard these 2 together? I've seconhand knowledge that it's quite a match but I'd appreciate knowing some details, e.g. if it can play macrodynamics,be delicate and yet still play loud without the amp pooping out.
I heard the Alexandria X2 driven by a 22wpc Audio Note Ongaku a couple of months ago. The mids were good but the overall sound lacked dynamics and jump factor. I guess the AN was probably struggling to control the 15" bass drivers. I auditioned the same X2 driven by big Edge monoblocks and the sound was significantly better; effortless and musical. I heard the same problem with an 8wpc Kondo Neiro amp trying to drive the WP7.

I agree that those Wilson speakers sound better with more power/current.
Keithr: It will be better in some ways than the ML2.2's, but still not enough power.
I am currently powering Watt/Puppy 7's with ONE pair of ML 2.1's and an L2 preamp.(I just switched from "highly" regarded SS monoblocks). The room is approxiamtely 18'x15'with a 10' high ceiling. I completely agree with Audiogoon's description of the sound reproduced, the dynamics and the deep bass. I have found Wilson's, at least W/P 7's to be a great match with Lamm equipment.