April 2017 review of the Paradigm Persona 9H A home run for Paradigm!

I have been following all the contested threads about the new Paradigm Persona line of speakers and it seems that many people are having difficulties in believing that Paradigm, a company well respected for value loudspeakers could produce a product that can rival the best exotic loudspeakers on the market.

The review came out today in the Absolute Sound April 2017 issue and what my ears have told me is true, is true. 
John Atkinson, compared the Pardigm 9H $35k to the Magico S7MK 2 $58k and found that Personas to be in the same class as these highly thought of prestigious loudspeakers. I think I read on one  of the threads that a Magico owner was saying that wasn't possible!

I am not an expert, on loudspeakers, I do know what sounds real to me, and when I heard these speakers my jaw hit the floor. Stunning realism. I could almost reach out and touch the Beatles, and Miles Davis. Huge sound stage, totally transparent, and smooth, with dynamite bass. 

At this point I am torn between the Legacy Audio Signatures and The Paradigm Persona 3F which shares the same driver technology of the 9H but costs $10k, I am lucky to be working with a dealer that represents both of these awesome lines of loudspeakers. 

It seems to me that many audiophiles need to open their minds and stop being so brand loyal to the point of obsession,  and start looking at the sound, and only the sound. I know for me as a professional photographer, I have gone back and forth between Canon and Nikons, and I love them both but am wedded to neither. Why in the audio world do people have such furvor over what they buy with the belief that their product and only their product is the best? In the camera world it seems much more fluid with people changing camera brands without ever starting a written riot if someone dares to bring up another brand or question their choice. 

Not that that list put the argument at rest but when Audiophile compiled a list of 25 best speaker of all time Paradigm signature 8s were #7 and the list actually has all the usual suspects of exotics, and thats again the older signature Paradigms not Personas. Magico and Focal brag about having Beryllium tweeters and the persona has its mid range built of that material let alone the tiny tweeter. The high end audio sales people usual line when ask for picking a favorite among two or three comparable speakers is " they are two different speakers". You don’t get an straight answer not just because there may not be one, but because they don’t want to. When money is not an issue, you WANT to pay more, for bragging rights alone sometimes. If you already have spent money enough to buy a new Porsche, on a pair of speakers, you are never gonna admit that a mid level brands speakers are better than your exotics. You can hide the truth but you cant kill it. Lies, well you know how that work.
Will post my review after getting my new Personas, after not being satisfied with the detailed audition new B&W D3s and many other "high end"  (Audio Note, anyone) products.
Currently have Martin Logan and Paradigm signatures in a Dolby Atmos set up and yes B&W 800s used to be my dream speakers and I was reviewing Focal Sopras and Revel Ultimas ( undoubtedly worthy choices ) too but these new Personas came as a game changer.
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One things also stands out to me.  Often when any of us talks about how great our gear is, we will talk about how great a reviewer thinks they are.  Personally, I've known many reviewers over the years and some I respect and like. Even if my tastes are different than theirs, I get to know HOW they listen and can sift through that to figure out what my thoughts may be on the product.  

What I like about the personal audio folks is that their reviewers will say what they paid for the product or if it was given to them for free or at a steep discount.  That said of all the guys I know (many) who review there, they are as honest as the day is long.  They will point out where the compromises were made by a dealer.  They point out good and bad and let you make your choices based on that.

That used to be the way things were in the 70's.  The Absolute Sound never had to run ads. You just paid and got a neat little 'magazine' every other month or so I think it was.  Then all of a sudden other 'hi end' magazines came in and there were ads taken.  You couldn't find really negative reviews at that point.  Also, brands that didn't buy ads in various mags wouldn't get reviewed much of the time.  Some reviewers care about the hobby as well as the customers.  Fremer comes to mind as do a few others.

One of the reviewers, Tom Gillet used to drive me nuts.  He's a creative writers, but he also is the Audio Cheapskate, Sam Tellig (Gillet spelled backwards).   I laughed when he left Stereophile a couple of years ago and went public about how advertisers would pay for ads and they could get good reviews. Again, not ALL reviewers are like that, but this is why you never see a bad review in that magazine or any of it's online sites.  Heck the ad manager of Stereophile is/was Atkinson's wife.  

Again, some folks I personally like and respect, buy all too many I don't, but that's just me.  Reading this thread made me think about that.

This is why it's so important to go audition at a few places an figure out your flavor. What do you like? Dont' let a dealer talk during the audition constantly.  Listen and trust your own ears.  Afterwards, you can invite the dealer in and get their thoughts.  Listen with them and have them point out all the things they love about the product and why you should buy it.  Just keep in mind that you are the one who has to listen to it daily, lol.  I'm sure everyone already knows all of this, but it never hurts to read it again.
Old time audiophile here. IMHO there are many excellent speakers available for all kinds of tastes. I personally would not buy Paradigm speakers in the price range being discussed in this thread. A lot of guys that can afford a $35k speaker wouldn’t even consider them regardless of sound quality due to prior marketing position. I’m making no personal judgement but have bought and sold too much audio gear to be comfortable trying to resell them at some point. Just an opinion and nothing more. 
I am interested in the Paradigm Persona 9H and am just wondering if anyone has any feelings about how they would mate with Pass on the power amp duties and Aesthetix on preamp duties (the rest of the system is a Direcstream, a microrendu and a nice vinyl rig). I’m thinking if anything the Persona’s sound like they would be a little clinical so maybe the Pass on the top end would warm them up a bit but obviously they don’t need that much power (its an x150.8 presently driving Thiel 2.4s.) Obviously I LIKE a slightly clinical highly detailed sound since I've been living with the Thiels about about 10 years. I like the idea of bass frequencies which you can room correct the same way I like the feature on Vandersteens but on the Paradigm you're dealing with DSP rather than analog eq.  Thoughts?