AR Ref 600s Best for Genesis2?

I'm looking for the best tube amp for my Genesis2. Now using four monoblocks of VK 60s. The power now are just adequate but lacking the headroom needed for big orchestra.
How do you think about the Audio Research Ref 600 driving the Gen2? Will I sacrifice anything from the VK 60s?
Hi Suchtan, Why not have your 4 VK60s upgraded to the "SE" version? I'm with you on sticking with BAT! For years I owned many ARC products. Then BAT came along and every since then when I've compared ARC to BAT both amps and pre-amps BAT has embarrassed ARC to my ears. Good luck to you on whatever you decide. Regards, Tom
Jtinn is not a dealer - he is a hard-core audiophile cursed with a passion for music and a very low tolerance for anything not musical. Colorations that I am only dimly aware of, or find easy to overlook, drive him nuts. I may not react the same way he does to what he's hearing, but I have a great deal of respect for the man's ears. The reason I call Jtinn's acuity a curse is, I shudder to think how much his ears have cost him over the years.
There few negative things to say about the 600s. I A/B the 600s Mark I to the BATs in the same room, on the same equipment, and the 600s blew away the BAT gear. It was not even close. In the 14K to 18K price range, the BATs are one amp to consider, but believe me the BATs do not touch ARC reference gear and probably not even the VTM 200s. There are reasons that audiophiles hassle with ARC's poor customer service and expensive tubes--they have heard nothing better.