ARC LS26/27 vs BAT VK31SE

Just curious has anyone owned these preamps and how would you compare them? I currently own a VK31SE and find it is a very nice sounding unit but a short time ago purchased a ARC REF 110 amp.  I am sure most would think the ARC is a better match with the 110 however, looking for anyone with experience or an opinion of these preamps. Thank you in advance. 

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I have never had any BAT equipment. I do own the Audio Research ls27 and it is a great preamp. It is not overly tubby at all, but it has a great midrange and I think it would be a great match for your Ref 110, which I have heard.

I once owned a VT100 MKIII power amp and as others have said the ref series is in another league, but I understand your plight and made the choice for the ls27 from a ls17se. ARC stuff works really well together. Good luck with whatever you choose and keep us posted.
Quick update.  I will be trading my VK31SE for a LS26 very soon so I hope this is a good move.  I think it will but we'll see.
Update:  The LS26 has been a very nice addition and a great match for the Ref 110.  The overall sound is very cohesive and balanced.  My gut feeling was correct  :)