ARC Ref 110 with KT 150 tubes

I am currently running a Ref 100 with KT 120 tubes, no probs, net gains on the old 6550s. But has anybody gone a stage further and used KT 150s? Any potential problems, you think?

Many thanks for advice.
Thank you David, I am aware of that particular thread you have referenced.
However, the point that I am attempting to highlight is specific, and pertinant, to owners of these particular models who are still within the term of the manufacturers warranty.

I do not doubt that ARC Central has circulated some form of internal communication within their own distribution network, However, unless I am mistaken, at this point in time, there remains to be seen Any such affirmation, of this sanctioning, as made public by ARC! Indeed, we still labour under the farcical situation of ARC customer support continuing to
Refute any such official sanctioning of the use of the KT150 within the Reference line.

Therefore, as I commented earlier, IF, your Reference equipment is still under factory warranty then the Only and pertinent source of confirmation must surely come, Verbatum, from ones own dealer responsible for facilitating that factory warranty.
David, I am curious as to whether you may have contacted KJW1/ Absolute Sounds recently in this regard?

I have contacted my dealer, but not recently and they made no comment on the KT150s. I got tired of waiting and just changed to the 150s anyway, with a big improvement.

If you were really sneaky and the amp broke down, you could just put the old 120s in, that the amp came with and take it to the dealer. I never said that and of course, would not stoop so low. A large number of people have been using the 150s in the Ref series, for a long time, with no problems. I decided to switch when I was told that a significant number of rooms in the last RMAF were using 150 equipped ARC Reference amps. If it is good enough for dealers and manufacturers, it's good enough for me. I understand you want to be 110% certain of ARCs view on amps within their warranty.
The thing about dealers and manufacturers to consider; for audio shows they may have also installed different value resitors, redesigned a circuit, changed a power supply, etc, etc. I'm not saying don't try KT150's, just understand the risks without blaming ARC in the event of a failure. You do understand the risks and the sound you are enjoying is the result but the 150's are so new to the market....does anyone know in what manner they will fail? All tubes fail at some point, just sayin. Have fun.
My Jolida 502p about which I often wax enthusiastic (note to English majors...I really almost never say shit like that), albeit way less expensive that the hallowed ARC brand, sounds fabulous with 150s, and I am free of the spineless "blessed by ARC" paranoia that runs wild in the ARC camp where frightened owners huddle by their message boards hoping some ARC Corp. asshat loosens his grip on the their trembling sweaty balls to allow them to utterly overpay for tubes you can get elsewhere for half of what ARC grabs from those fearful (and likely empty) pockets. Did I need a comma back there someplace? (I worry about English majors WAY too much)
Well said Wolfy. I'm tired of wining (or is it whining) about those stupid KT-150 tubes. Oh ... and who ever said I would buy KT-150s from ARC for $200 each. Talk about meshuganah. Upscale charges $100 per tube and even that is too much.

@Jamnesta -- just for fun and giggles, I dropped a (Russian new issue) Tung Sol 6550 into my ARC Ref 5 SE. It sounded just fine. As I said, ARC uses the 6550 in the power supply (PS) of its preamps and source components. I surmise that the branding is less important in the PS application as compared to the gain circuits of the amps. Just a guess.