ARC Ref 2 MK 2 Pre w/ Pass X-600 monos?

Has anyone tried this combination before or can anyone comment whether this would be a good match in terms of impedance matching and overall sonic performance.

I currently have the x-600 matched with the Aesthetix Calypso and together they drive the Talon Khorus MK II. I like the overall sound but I find the low end rather anemic given the potential of these speakers. In addition, I have replaced the tubes 3 times in 4 months beacuse I keep getting a poppping and hissing noise in one of the channels. Changing the tubes corrects this, but I am ready to cut bait and move on to something else. Would appreciate any recommendations!

Many thanks and regards...
Are you sure it isn't the Khorus with the anemic low end?

As to your question, the Ref2m2 has low output impedance
and plenty of drive to mate well with just about any amp.
Should be a wonderful combination with your X600s. You need
to check one out in your system.

If you're buying used you should also check out the ARC
LS5m2. The Ref2m2 couldn't knock it out of my system in a
week-long head-to-head. A very minimalist line-stage that
might just be the best ARC ever designed. I've had mine
almost 9 years now.
Doesn't make sense. The ARC, if anything, provides an extra boost to the bottom end.
I second the LS5 mkll. I never put mine up against the Ref 2 but, I did almost make the mistake of switching it for the Ref 1. Thank goodness I auditioned the Ref 1 for a week first. The balanced only inputs are a minor annoyance but, Cardas adapters take care of that.